What really is the UMich Engineering HAIL Interview?

Okay so I got an email from the University of Michigan’s Engineering email address saying they would like me to participate in an optional interview called the HAIL Interview. While I am aware that this has nothing to do with the HAIL full-ride scholarship, I don’t know anything else about it. This is the pretty much the only description that I got from the email they sent:
“We would like to offer you a HAIL Interview with an alumnus/a in your area. Your interview is an opportunity for us to learn more about you, and for you to learn more about Michigan Engineering. Our goal is for the interview to be a positive exchange of ideas and information between you and the alumnus/a.” It then goes on to address how a date/time will be scheduled.
While I’m not considering rejecting this opportunity or anything, can anyone explain the benifits of it if they’re familiar with this? Right now, I almost see it as another way for them to get to know me, similar to the essays but just in-person. Is this all it is?
I appreciate any and all guidance, thank you!

My son had a HAIL interview last year. He saw it as an opportunity to express his interest in the school and to ask questions. Michigan was his first choice and he was able state that during the talk with an alumnae at Panera. He did get in last year early action and is attending right now. I think it is important to follow up and participate if University of Michigan is your 1st or 2nd choice.

@wheatonmom Yeah, I agree completely. Like I said, I fully intend to take advantage of this opportunity. I was just wondering if someone has any detailed/additional info about the interview itself or what being asked to interview really means.
For example, is it a good sign to be asked for an interview? Is this possibly being used to determine if I deserve one of those small engineering scholarships that the UMich Engineering website talks about? Or was I right about thinking this is simply a chance to learn about UMich & for them to learn about me with no further benefits or deeper implications behind it?

Also, did anyone’s interviewer reveal any details about this Interview program as a whole, such as:

  • How many students are they asked to interview?
  • Do they target a certain kind of students for interviews? (or is it random)

Also, do the interviewers give you any sort of feedback, either regarding your interview or your admissions chances as a whole, at the end of the interview?

I also was asked to participate in a HAIL interview and am also curious about some of these questions. Have you had yours yet? If so, what was it like?

@enginero No I have not had it yet. I have not even had anyone contact me about it yet. The last interaction I had with UMich about it was a confirmation that they got my acceptance of the invitation and that they’ll match me up with an interviewer “soon.”

Just found this thread. Anybody do the interview? Anybody know if all EA applicants to engineering get the email for the interview?

Mine is on Monday. I assumed everybody got one if they had an alumnus in the area. Is that not true?

Yeah I assumed all engineering applicants with alumni in the area have an opportunity to have one as well. They linked a HAIL interview handbook in my email with some useful FAQs. If you haven’t checked it out already, maybe it’ll answer some of your questions.

Go the original request. Filled out the paperwork, just got another email saying wait for another email from my local guy. Very psyched!

My daughter was an EA engineering applicant last year and offered a HAIL interview. If I recall, they only did them in a limited number of geographic areas. Beyond that, I am not sure if everyone in those areas was offered an interview or not. My daughter enjoyed the conversation and found it fairly relaxed. She interviewed with quite a few schools throughout the process, so the experience is valuable.

My daughter was offered a HAIL interview. We are in FL. Her interviewer is somewhere up north and is interviewing over Skype.

My interview is Tuesday, I will let you all know. My contact is an alum and lives not too far from me. I am planning on asking about his experience, why he chose engineering at Mich and what he wish someone had told him about the experience. I also wanna find out about the OOS applicant and how well he made the transition. Geographically we have about the same weather but haven’t lived in the Midwest so excited to hear about the differences if there are any. Have a friend that lasted 2 weeks at Alabama and now is back in the Northeast.

Judging by what @18yrcollegemin said above, it looks like maybe this year they are doing these HAIL inteviews by Skype as well as in person. My daughter applied EA to the school of engineering. We live in the New York metropolitan area, but she got matched with an interviewer in Ann Arbor. They are going to set something up by Skype for this week. I guess with technology, the interpretation of “Hometown Alumni Involvement” extends over longer distances.

I had my HAIL Interview a week ago, and my interviewer kept stressing that it was meant to be relaxed. I’m not sure if it was just me, but my interviewer really seemed to grill me! He kept playing devil’s advocate - all while acknowledging he’s doing it - and asking tough questions.

Generally it’s meant to be a supplement to your application - something to show the part of you that your application did not and cannot.

Had mine tonight. It was awesome. Now I know why Michigan is my #1. He was true blue, asked great questions of me but stressed to me that it was supposed to be relaxed and it was. Very casual conversation. Mostly about all the great things he got out of school while he was there and all the great things he has done since. True Michigan alum and proud of it. Kinda made me feel like I am missing out on something unique and i really wanna go now…I actually really wanted to go after the tour and learned first hand what I had read online. Good luck everyone! Don’t be nervous about the interview, be honest and be yourself!

@Seacoast @roboticsnerd33 Mine is tomorrow and both of your replies were very helpful, so thank you.
Were there any questions that made you wish you would have done more research on the university itself? I heard from a classmate that some of the questions about yourself as a person are probably tricky, but I’m talking about questions that you would have been able to answer easily with some more fact-finding and preparation (and weren’t able to answer as well as you would have hoped due to you lacking knowledge on a certain aspect)

I guess you can basically say I’m asking this: Is there anything I can study or read up on regarding the school that you wish you would have? I can field questions about me with ease and I know several talking points about why UMich is my #1 by far, but I don’t really have in-depth details about anything such as being attracted to their Engineering program due to partnerships with Ford and NASA in respect to autonomous vehicles and robotics. Do I need more points of interest that are that specific?

@jt216 don’t freak. I admit I was nervous but right off the bat the alum said, this is supposed to be a positive experience. I mean look at it this way if you can’t answer something or they “trick” you is it the right fit? Nothing whatsoever was tricky. I was asked why Michigan, I mean he knew nothing about me or where I was coming from. I thought that was fair, he asked me a few questions about my hs and what I thought I wanted to do. I was honest I told him what I love and why and why Engineering and Business. It was the truth I mean how can you go wrong with that. I was early to shake off the nerves but I left feeling so awesome and I hope you do too! I did tour even though I am OOS so I could relate when he talked about places on campus but believe me I don’t know everything about the school I mean I have 5 years in the dual program to figure it all out! You’ll do great…just don’t take my spot…lol

@Seacoast Alright that helps immensely. Thank you! I should be able to talk about each and everything you mentioned in a complete, detailed way. I was only concerned about detailed aspects that you could only get after in-depth research about the school (even more detailed than “Why UM?” essay I was thinking, since we aren’t limited to word count here). That does not seem like something they’re too concerned about though, so I should be good. Thanks again!