<p>I'm just wondering what scores I should hope for in order for NYU to be a match for me. I already took them but I know I need a better score, I'm just trying to see what you guys think! </p>
<p>GPA: uw=3.9 w=3.952
Rank: 24/389 = 94th percentile (Top 6%)
Ethnicities: Filipino, Mexican, African American, Creole, Italian, Norwegian, Jewish, Asian, White
AP's: AP World, AP Literature (Don't want to report scores..unless that would look bad?) World=1 Lit=2)
-Did 7th and 8th grade consecutively (7th at school, 8th at home)</p>
-Work 2 jobs. (Photography job since summer 2012, Sales associate since March 2013)
-Junior High volunteer at church since 2010
-Volunteer to help homeless ministry with food bank (2013)
-Played volleyball (team setter) Season of 2010
-Part of Christian club at school since 2010-present</p>
-Honor Roll 2005-present
-Completion of 2010 Season of JV Volleyball 2010
-Wave Rider of the Month 2009
-Presidents Award 2007 (elementary. does that count?)
-Eligible to join NHS since 2010 but never got enough community service hours to actually apply because of work. :/</p>
<p>Senior Year:
-Taking all college classes at University for dual accreditation senior year.
-Getting all high school requirements fulfilled by 1st semester senior year, early admit to University 2nd semester</p>
<p>-By graduation will have 5 years worth of classes in English (up to Eng 102), Math (up to Math 140), Science (PS, Human Phys, Bio, Physics, and Chem 151+Lab), and 4/5 years History (up to Psy 100) and 3 years of Spanish + 2 years of arts.
-out of state (hawaii)
-neither parent went to college making me the first in my family
-very low income - less than 40k a year.</p>
<p>EC sounds good, grades/rank not bad.</p>
<p>Some facts about NYU incoming freshman: [NYU</a> Facts](<a href=“NYU Facts”>NYU Facts)</p>
<p>Don’t even bother mentioning your middle school/elementary school stuff. I hear colleges don’t really care about that.</p>
<p>Then again I am also a fellow student so take this with a grain of salt.</p>
<p>out of state doesn’t matter, because NYU is a private college. And Stern is a little bit harder to get in, but other schools are easier to get in. Many kids who got into NYU around had SAT more or less 2000, and I think you are good to go if you have anything above 2000. But again, Stern is a different story.</p>
<p>Does me doing 7th and 8th consecutively, 7th at school - 8th at home, count for anything?</p>
<p>How do your races work out (just wondering)</p>
<p>My dad is Caucasian, (Norwegian, Italian, Jewish), and my mom is all the dark stuff haha (African American, Filipino (Asian), Creole [mixed European and black descent], and Mexican.</p>
<p>I don’t think doing 7th and 8th grade together would count for anything. Most middle school things are not worth mentioning on college applications. I know a girl who tested out of 8th grade and another kid tested out of 7th and went to 8th. </p>
<p>As far as the test scores, do you have any scores yet? Have you taken any practice tests?</p>
<p>I have… but I didn’t get the scores I wanted. Every test I’ve taken so far has been really horribly prepared for and I’ve been more stressed than ever each time (with school things, work, and family issues,). I’m now preparing to retake both the ACT and SAT this September (ACT) and October (SAT). My scores were horrid because I was wayyy too stressed to prepare or study for anything… Which I know isn’t really an excuse but I know I can do better for sure.</p>
<p>If you don’t mind me asking, what were your scores?</p>
<p>Unfortunately, SAT was a 1610 and ACT was an extremely low, 21.
Like I said… absolutely horrid! Ha…</p>
<p>Considering you are an URM, ~26+/1850+ I think? I’m not really an expert on to what extent URM affects admissions.</p>
<p>For most applicants, 30 or 2000 (give or take) is a good place to be.</p>
<p>Ok, so I should shoot for about a 1900 at least?</p>
<p>I have multiple friends who are in a way the same as you (in terms of race) and scored in the 1800 range (nothing higher) and got into NYU. Their HS averages were in the low 90’s-high 80’s</p>
<p>You should go for probobly a 2100. Oh yah, and don’t send those AP scores.</p>
<p>@Ahsans96 did they have a lot of extracurriculars? (What is the 90’s and 80’s? Do you mean grade averages?)</p>
<p>KAIKAI… pick a test!!! just one. not both. Taking both SAT and ACT can screw with your mind. If you were a good student and want to take a test off of more of what you learned in high school then the ACT is for you. If you want a test that involves more critical thinking then the SAT is for you. Take a prep course before the test to help you get ready and you should do fine. I had a 6 week private tutor that I saw once a week for 30 minutes to get my score up to a 30. Just pick a test and go with it.</p>
<p>@seannash0 I heard it was always better to try both haha. I’m studying for the ACT in September right now, hopefully I get a score good enough to not have to take any more 
Don’t prep courses cost a lot of money?</p>