What SAT is needed for the highest scholarship?

We’re very interested in SMC. The only way we can afford it is if there is merit and if possible stacked merit.

Dd has one more chance to take the SAT in October. Her previous SAT was 1430 but it’s low due to being sick that day.

According to some sources for the Presidential Scholarship:
Qualified applicants typically have at least a 3.8 grade point average in a demanding college prep program and similarly competitive ACT or SAT scores. Rigor of college prep program and class standing will also be considered.

According to the 2021-2022 CDS, the average non-need based aid award for First time Freshman is $24,882.

You might want contact St. Mary’s directly and ask if they have a SAT threshold.

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It looks like St. Mary’s stacks need based aid and merit aid. Have you run their NPC?

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The calculator shows that we can’t get aid due to needing to rent out our home and moving in with relatives. But thanks so much for answering! We’re going to attend the open house next month.

Thank you got taking the time to answer this! It may not be enough for us, but I noticed that this will be the same scenario with USFCA and UoP. Presidential scholarships may only be about $25k unfortunately.

Not sure if your DD received her admission yet with scholarship info, but my son received the Honors at Entrance Scholarship which is $28k/yr ($1k less than Presidential) – he applied with a 3.95wGPA & 31 (not superscored). However, his first term just ended before Thanksgiving, so I don’t think his updated GPA was considered for scholarship purposes – he’s now above a 4.0 with all A’s in 5AP/honors courses, so we may ask for reconsideration later down the line.

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We received $20k which is $10k short for us. If she can get a job on campus it would be helpful. Still, it was great to get an acceptance before Thanksgiving!