<p>Hi guys, i wanted to know what SAT subject tests i should take. im a rising junior. I heard that you should take the sat subject tests right after the course so it could be fresh in your mind, but none of the courses i took in 10th grade would help me. </p>
<p>My classes for next year : Chem honors, AP english, Alg 2 honors, US history 2
What subject test should i take? Since im not going into Pre cal till senior year, would i have a disadvantage if i take SAT math ?</p>
<p>When should i take them and will i have enough time to study?
I'm thinking about taking Chemistry and US history since they will be fresh in my mind by the end of junior year. I heard Biology is the easiest for the sciences but i took the course freshman year. What should i take? Im at a complete lost when it comes to the subject tests.</p>
<p>I would appreciate any kind of tips. thank you :)</p>
<p>For Chemistry, I recommend taking the SAT Subject Exam for that in June, you should be finished with the course by then. Start reviewing for it at least a month ahead of time. If you feel you’re not ready for it, try taking it in October of your Senior year. I’m taking it this October of my Junior year and I took the course Sophomore year. You wouldn’t be at a disadvantage for the Math I SAT Subject Exam, but not too many colleges care about it. Math I is basically geometry, algebra I & II, and trigonometry. If you wanna take it, I recommend taking that in June as well.</p>
<p>You should be fine for math since most of it is algebra anyway. Just study well. </p>
<p>I don’t recommend doing bio after just taking freshmen bio. It’s pretty difficult actually. The curve is very low compared to the other sciences. Tbh, it’s pretty difficult to score above 700+ sometimes even if you take the honors version. Only AP prepares you well enough, but if you really want to still, I’d recommend getting some Barron’s books and studying.</p>
<p>Probably Chem. But make sure you study extra from other books because some teachers never cover everything in Honors Chem.</p>
<p>Ok, i’ll be picking up a few SAT 2s books. Ty
<p>Another question: how about SAT us history? Will regular Us history I and II help me?</p>
<p>i’m thinking about taking only 2 subject test as it is required by many schools.</p>
<p>You will be competing with students who had AP US history so it’s not to your advantage. But closer to the date take the test at home to see what you get.</p>
<p>How long will take it for me to study for the SAT Us HIstory if i havent taken APUSH? Should i begin studying for it around FEB 2013 if i’m going to take it in May/June? </p>
<p>I read a few other thread relating to SAT USH and i might be planning to study seriously using AMSCO/ The Essential Content, and Sparknotes.</p>
<p>Mine didn’t study because her APUSH teacher prepare her well. I think she used the same books in your post the whole year. I would say closer to the date is better. So maybe Spring break, Easter week kind of time frame.</p>