What scholarship is this?

<p>My acceptance letter from University of Miami says all the usual stuff and this:</p>

<p>"We are also very pleased to notify you that you have been selected to receive a President's Scholarship for $25,000 per academic year, in recognition of your outstanding academic achievements."</p>

<p>What is this scholarship? I can't find any information about it online. Thanks in advanced!</p>

<p>I’d say it is a new one this year. Nothing in the past 2 years has had that name. Congratulations!</p>

<p>Yep, that’s new… the highest last year was the University Scholarship for $24k.</p>

<p>I feel like they’re increasing the sizes of the scholarships to account for the increase in tuition. That’s just my guess though.</p>

<p>This is kind of strange. Mine says “We are also very pleased to notify you that you have been selected to receive a President’s Scholarship for $23,000 per academic year, in recognition of your outstanding academic achievements.”</p>

<p>Notice that it is $23K instead of $25K. Any ideas?</p>

<p>My DS received a Presidential Scholarship for $15K and someone else received a Presidential Scholarship for $16K.</p>

<p>Trade ya?</p>

<p>Hmmmm, I thought everyone would get the same amount when it is the same scholarship. This is interesting to know :)</p>

<p>Daughter accepted with 17k presidential scholarship! Wish it was 25K but she is still undecided. </p>

<p>I would assume it is based on sat and gpa alone</p>


<p>mhmm i got one for 18k</p>

<p>My son received a Presidential for $23k. I have not heard of a Presidential scholarship either.</p>

<p>That’s very weird… It seems like a very common scholarship this year then, and it’s odd that they’re giving out different amounts. I’ll probably call them and ask them what’s up. Congratulations though, and thanks for your insights!</p>

<p>My son was accepted with 24K, act 35…gpa 4.6 weighted on 4.0 scale…I wonder what they base the $ on. Wish it was more but we will take it…he is thrilled.</p>

<p>D rcvd $24k President’s Scholarship, which puts costs on par w/ in-state tuition at home - CA. How would net costs compare with your Prez amounts? BTW, I’ve seen amounts as high on $29k on other threads.</p>

<p>Anyone have any idea why I didn’t even receive a small scholarship? (3.83 UW, 32 ACT, Top 14%, very strong essays and EC’s). The whole 2nd paragraph that tells everyone else what they received is missing from my letter. :(</p>

<p>Not sure how they decide on awards and if there is a clear cut off. May be more than scores and gpa…may be combo of top 10 % , # of APs…not sure. D got 17K Pres, with 32 ACT (33 ss–36’s on R and E), 3.75 uw/4.2 w…but also 11 AP’s, all 5s the ones she’s taken so far,top pub hs, tons of cs in one org, leadership, 2 varsity sports, etc…
Saw the same fluctuations with Tulane scholarships…never easy to understand. But we are not complaining : ) Hope this helps.</p>

<p>If they decided to be more flexible with their scholarship awards, it makes sense for them to call all scholarships above a certain $ amount a “Presidential scholarship” instead of devising new names for every dollar amount they award.</p>

<p>cosurf113. My S also did not receive any scholarship $$, 700CR, 630M, 700CW, 3.7UW GPA, Top 8% of class. To be honest, we were kind of surprised and disappointed, especially seeing all of the awards here on CC, some with very comparable stats. He was offered $20K from Tulane. We visited the school twice, met with an adcom and he sent her at least 3-4 emails. I think that he is kind of insulted.</p>

<p>@jozuko - That’s exactly how I feel - UM is the first school to not give me anything. I was secretly hoping that no scholarship would mean a Stamps/Singer weekend invitation but I doubt it.</p>

<p>My son was just accepted - Presidential scholarship for $13,000.</p>

<p>My DS got $22K from Tulane and $15K from Miami. WGPA is 4.0, ACT (ss) is 32, top 5% of class. With the varying amounts of the Presidential Scholarship, it gives me hope that if we meet with FA when we are down there in a couple of weeks - bring midyear grade report and Tulane letter - maybe we can get a little more (still within Presidential Scholarship). The scholarships given out here are so all over the place. I am very grateful for the $15K. It brings UM down below the cost of my DD’s OOS public. But it can’t hurt to ask, right? It really is DS’ top choice.</p>