<p>don't Stanford and Harvard have like a free tuition thing for low income students? Maybe your family income is not that low I suppose. I take it you also gave up Berkeley and LA if you gave up those awesome schools. So, it makes me wonder whether if you are majoring in some sort of bio related field... Btw, are you an international student?</p>
<p>cheer up, johnhong32, education in america is very much alike -- i also found that it is not often the college overall that matters but the department that you plan to major under -- i also had to skip on some of more expensive education at more famous places than ucsd -- you can always get back at these school for ultra-rich by getting accepted to grad programs there with full support after you're done with bachelors -- then going there and not paying up a penny for it -- and grad school matters more than undergrad in terms of your future -- some grad school subjects give you full support just for being there (i.e. you don't even have to get fellowships, the school just pays)</p>
<p>biomed engineering, so i guess ucsd is pretty good at that</p>
<p>emory, nyu, ucsb, ucsc
stilling seeing about wellesly</p>
<p>UCI, UCR, Cal Poly Pomona, and the local community college.</p>
<p>=|. really, UCSD was my best bet anyways. =D, bonus that it was my dream school. =D.