What schools are we missing? Strong Theater and Physics, In Big City, Gives Merit Scholarship, + Decently Prestigious - Unicorn? [4.0 GPA, <$60k]

Fordham gave my D21 almost 30k merit per year, and she was not NMSF(virginia—just missed it), was high stats (3.9uw/max rigor/local awards) but not a Val/99.9%ile/statewide awards superstar like D23, so you may want to keep it on the list.


Does Fordham have musical theater? I see acting but not MT…but I could be missing something easily.

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Woot!! That’s great news! She is taking the PSAT next week so hopefully that will open some of these up. She should qualify for the National Recognition Hispanic Scholar assuming she does well.


Based on Davidson’s most recent common data set, the acceptance rate for women (17.3%) was actually a little higher than that for men (16.6%). More women applied but more were accepted and that is reflected in the makeup of the student body which had 1028 women and 899 men as of fall 2022.
Source: Common Data Set | Davidson

Davidson non-need based merit is interesting: the Belk scholarship is a chunk of those, and much of the rest is applied-for scholarships like a creative writing one: these are extremely competitive! Many HS decide who to nominate for Belk each year, and the competition in the HS just to get the nomination can be fierce. A kid won Belk from our HS a few yrs ago and was salutatorian, multiple school awards, high stats, lots and lots of EC-citizenship: it is tough to get. Not saying your kid wouldn’t—maybe they will! Look into it now as well as UNC/Morehead-Cain and have her dig deep into ECs with an impact on the community.


All that is a good idea. However, women are over-represented, greatly, in the musical theater amfield. If half as much concern were shown about this student’s interest in physics as in MT, a different list would appear.


Not only are women over represented in musical theater, but a very large %age of roles are for…men.


Is that why Grinnell is on your list? There is no way anyone could consider it urban, not sure if anyone lives off campus during the 4 years.

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Forget about UMich. It gives nothing (unless there is some Art scholarship…)

If you are ED to Northeastern, you will cut out all other good options (and probably do not get your 25k). If you are not ED to Northeastern, I hardly can imagine 25k are coming your way…
I noticed, 25K are not coming both ways…

You are correct, Fordham does not have a MT program. However many of the students take additional music and dance classes, and some graduates go on to professional careers in MT.

Fordham also has a student-run MT club.


correct - hence the long list of other options. That was exactly my stated point - we know we aren’t going to get that. If we did that would be our choice, but since we won’t we have a long list of options.

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Yes. Obviously I know Grinnell is not an urban school :joy: But it is a good option on many of the other metrics.

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You don’t want that one.

It will open up auto merit deals that will blow your mind - but they won’t be schools you’ll want to consider.

Yup, and you’ll notice my list is heavily tilted toward physics, not MT.


I think your list is now much better but I still do not get very big reaches. For example, say she gets to Burkley no aid - is she going? Same with UMich, Northeastern, etc.? You need to explain your daughter (and yourself) where is your ceiling like people said. Mine got to UMICH ($0), and CMU ($5K). She was very proud of herself but knew that she is not attending. It was not even a conversation…
However, you may keep them for negotiation…
That what happened with us. When DD could not get off the waitlist at GaTech (legacy), we pointed that she got accepted to UMich and CMU and I think that helped. But of course, we did not expect any money from GaTech…

It is because our price ceiling is a strong preference, but not an absolute hard cutoff. We will look at the offers she has available at the time and make good decisions. :slight_smile:

See my last comments above…

As long as they will not break the bank :rofl:. I would not pay $360K for any college! I do not care is it Harvard or Cambridge.

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No, it is not. Which is fine, as long as you understand the tradeoffs you are making. Research opportunity is really important for undergrads who want to pursue physics. At many places, it is a small enough major that not all courses are offered every year.