What schools are you applying to?

<p>I'm only 1/2 Hispanic, but I wanted to see where you guys were applying. I am applying to Cornell, Tufts, CMU, JHU, Rutgers, TCNJ, Fairfield, Holy Cross, BC, UVA, Bucknell, Colgate, Georgetown.</p>

<p>I’m also half Hispanic.</p>

<p>Applying to the University of Kansas. 8D</p>

<p>Also half-Hispanic, but I also live in Puerto Rico, so yay for geographic advantage!!!</p>

<p>I was going to apply to JHU, UChicago, Northwestern, Tufts, Denison, and GW.</p>

<p>But I ended up only applying to JHU (ED) and UChicago (EA) because I was accepted to JHU! Good luck!</p>

<p>JHU is one of my top choices since I was deferred ED for Cornell. We can have a half-Hispanic party if I get accepted!</p>

<p>Yes, definitely! You still have a chance at Cornell, though, so good luck with that!</p>

<p>Hey! Is this a new forum?</p>

<p>Yes, just started! I knew they were going to add a subforum for recruited athletes, but this is a great idea too!</p>

<p>I’m a parent. I’m fully Mexican-American, but ds is half so he can be in your party, too.</p>

<p>I wonder how many Hispanic/Latino students at top colleges are actually half?</p>

<p>I guess I don’t really think too much on full vs half since it is a cultural distinction. Someone who is “half” but grew up in an environment of the foods, the novelas, the cultural attitudes, etc is to me just as hispanic as a “full”.</p>

<p>I agree. For school records, my kids always have been identified as Hispanic. Back then the only choices were, basically, Anglo, Hispanic and Black, and my dh, who is very proud of his Middle Eastern heritage, refused to be lumped in with the Anglos :slight_smile: so we went with my heritage.</p>

<p>This is something I’ve always struggled with, personally. Neither of my parents even went as far as HS, and Dad joined the military. Kind of a typical immigrant story. Despite the fact that Spanish was the first language of both of my parents, they were way into assimilation and so never taught us the language and ddn’t really encourage us to embrace our culture. I hate that. I find ways to make sure my kids are connected to both of their heritages.</p>



<p>My D is one, half Latino, half Asian. Recently people seem to think she looks Indian (as in the subcontinent, not NA). Her sister looks 100% Asian.</p>



<p>I totally agree, there are so many things that can happen that make a person relate more or less to their ethnicity, and it mostly has to do with environment rather than genetics. But I think that AOs know this and don’t rely simply on last name or genes to determine “Latinoness”.</p>



<p>Same here, but Japanese who were put in internment camps during WWII. In the 70’s, us 3rd generation Japanese/Americans got on the “culture” bandwagon and rediscovered our roots ;).</p>

<p>Half-Puerto Rican here. Hispanic first and last name, and I’ve been back to Puerto Rico a few times but I speak little Spanish.</p>

<p>Accepted to MIT (EA), University of Alabama, Ohio State.</p>

<p>Waiting on Harvard, Yale, Williams, and Oberlin.</p>

<p>Hello to all my Boricuas!</p>

<p>Hey Golden - I am half Cuban and planning on applying to MIT next year. What do you think the MIT Adcom’s were impressed by in your app.</p>

<p>Well, the fact that I was invited to the Math Olympiad Summer Program is probably the “thing” that got me in. I read a study yesterday, “Cross-Cultural Analysis of Students with Exceptional Talent in Mathematical Problem Solving” by Titu Andreescu et al that said that between 1998 and 2007, there have only been two Hispanics (actually, only 2 URMs at all) invited.</p>

<p>So probably URM + MOP = MIT.</p>

<p>Had you attended any other summer programs? What about stats?</p>

<p>I’m full Mexican, and I’m applying to UCLA and USC.</p>

<p>My parents came from Mexico and I was born here. I am kind of ashamed about the volume but I applied to HYP, Duke, Brown, Dartmouth, Columbia, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, Swarthmore, Wesleyan, Fordham, NYU. My safeties are my state schools of Alabama and Auburn to which i have full rides.</p>

<p>My mother is from Argentina and I’m applying to Princeton, Yale, Swarthmore, Vassar, Lafayette and TCNJ.</p>