What Schools Could I transfer to?

<p>I have a 3.75 GPA at Davidson and will have taken 4 300+ level classes. I am currently a freshmen and will be applying for sophomore standing. I have strong ECs as well, primarily that I took a gap year before coming here and studied at a German University for a year on a government scholarship. As well, all of my other kinds of extracurriculars fall into the same international relations category, which was exemplified by that government scholarship, so I have shown determination/linear progression in that field of study.</p>

<p>Obviously, as well, recommendations really aren't an issue. In terms of my high school standing, I was in the top 20-30% of a prestigious private school and have a 2100 SAT score (720 CR, 660M, 720 WR)</p>

<p>My weakest point is probably my highschool transcript which, though still very solid, is just not as excellent as I have been doing since that time. Also, my SAT scores are only okay, but I was wondering since I took that gap year if, since it has been 2 years since highschool, the admissions will look at me like a sophomore and therefore will put less emphasis on my highschool transcript.</p>

<p>Anyway, with all of this, I was under the impression I would have pretty strong transfer chances. But I was wondering...do schools realize that not all College grading policies are the same, because Davidson is a real ball buster so I hope they realize that. Anyway, please let me know what my chances are. Thanks so much.</p>

<p>Where do you guys think I would have a shot at? Any prestigious schools?</p>

<p>My advice is to wait a year before applying for transfer admissions. Your record at the moment is impeccable, but a bad high school transcript could be the kiss of death at the Ivies/competitive schools as a sophomore transfer. It will have far less (if any) weight next year.</p>

<p>I see. I appreciate the advice, but don’t you think that the scholarship gap year I took would make a big difference? I mean to say, since I took that year off studying, couldn’t I be considered 2 years out like sophomores and therefore they won’t look at my highschool marks as intensively? Thanks</p>

<p>No, it is based on number of semesters you have completed in college. They have no grades to look at from your gap year, unless you have transcripts from that year at the german U, but from your post it does not sound like it. All they will have to base their decision on from college is 1 semester, so HS grades will still be heavily considered.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks for the advice guys. Do you think I would stand a good chance then next year if I maintain the same average? Do you believe that these prestigious schools would take Davidson’s academic rigor into consideration when applying? I don’t want to get shafted in that way…</p>

<p>why not just apply twice?</p>

<p>“why not just apply twice?”</p>

<p>Because applying is not free.</p>

<p>I think it’s pretty safe to say that application costs are the least of anyone’s worries.</p>

<p>well, im not sure if a school like columbia admits people who deceive others about GPA… Davidson exams began on dec. 14th and given as you stated that you were a freshman at davidson, there is no way that you know you have a 3.75. Even if you did not have any self scheduled exams, I highly doubt that you had received all your grades for all four of your classes by the time you posted here. If you do end up with a 3.75 congratulations because As at davidson are hard to come by but keep in mind that college admissions counselors take into account what kind of person you are.</p>