What schools did your child pass on in order to attend Alabama

DS passed on Ohio State University (engineering+honors), Case Western, U of South Carolina Honors, and University of Kentucky Honors. He loved the honors program at Alabama, as well as the amazing people! Of course the National Merit Scholarship made it appealing. He is very excited for the fall!!

DS passed on Ut Austin, Texas A&M, U of Miami, U of Houston, Loyola Marymount University, Colorado state, TCU, SMU, and Temple. He was initially intrigued by the presidential scholarship, however as he told someone today, Once he came to visit, it became about so much more than money. Roll Tide!

I passed on SMU and Santa Clara University. For me, it came down to money and overall fit at the school. I was offered scholarships at both, but neither were as generous as UA; and, ultimately I felt most comfortable at Alabama. Nothing could compare to the opportunities, campus life, and overall atmosphere. I’m so excited for this fall! Roll Tide!

Congrats on all who chose Bama. What a wonderful place, all around, at a scholarship cost no one can deny. My son turned down his CBHP offer for a scholarship at Texas (OOS). Duke was also in the mix, but not quite the historical moment to attend that kind of private school. You are going to be the students that eliminate all the southern biases, and build UAs global status. Again, congrats. Roll tide!

Good luck to your son, @EngPII!

DD passed on Carthage College, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Minnesota, Iowa State University, University of Wisconsin Madison, St Olaf, and Loyola Chicago. Heading to Bama Bound in 9 days. Roll Tide!

My youngest daughter decided on UA over the weekend. She only applied to three schools, all out of state - UA, Georgia, and UNC-Wilmington. She was accepted at all with merit scholarships so cost was about the same between the three. She was torn between UA and UGA until a second visit with the Honors College reps and her department sealed the deal.

Off to shop for some Bama essentials like a house flag and car decals. Roll Tide!

My daughter also decided this past weekend after our first visit to the campus and Honors presentation. She was accepted to Temple University, Univ of Rhode Island and Univ. of Maryland. Although she received other merit scholarships nothing came close to what UA offered her. Roll Tide!!

I’m a life long MD resident and graduated from UMD back in the early '90s. My kids were not interested in any Maryland schools and I had no problem with that. I don’t have much positive to say about UMD or College Park these days, but maybe that’s just me…

D17 recently chose Alabama over Northeastern U (with scholarship), WPI with a half tuition scholarship, and UMD (scholars program). She has the Presidential+Engineering scholarship.

She visited all of the schools (some twice), and in the end came to the conclusion that UA had everything she wanted, and she could get where she wanted to go in life. The insanely good quality of life, the happy faces she saw on campus, and the responsive faculty and staff were definitely factors. She’s very firmly in touch with wanting to establish a good work/life balance, and felt that UA was the best fit for her.

We’re going to pick up some swag during Bama Bound :slight_smile:

Son accepted to Miami (OH), Missouri, Ole Miss, Florida State and Alabama (w/13K schollie). We are from Missouri. The second visit to Alabama (earlier this week) was the clincher. We actually had planned to also visit FSU and he asked that we cancel it as his mind was made up. The campus is beautiful, the people are incredibly nice, the high percentage of OOS students is a plus and their marketing is second to none. No matter where you go, everyone is positive and supportive. Just a great vibe. There will be at least 6 students from his HS (in suburban St. Louis) attending which gives us some comfort since he will be 8 hours from home. We are very excited that Alabama was his decision.

DD passed on Purdue, Clemson, Belmont, UT Knoxville, OU, TCU and Baylor.

Son passed on UT Austin and Texas A&M. Going in as an engineering major, but loves the fact that at Alabama you can change majors without difficulty. Roll Tide!

Alabama chosen over Dayton. Baylor & Kentucky were also in the mix but not finalists.

Daughter passed on Colorado School of Mines for Bama Engineering

Daughter passed on Villanova, Miami Ohio, Auburn, UPitt and Scranton all with direct admit to business schools to attend Alabama. She decided not to even apply to Clemson, USC, UMD, UDelaware all because they did not measure up to UA. She is so excited.

DD just made her decision to attend Alabama this morning!

She passed on: Colorado State, Oklahoma, Texas A&M Engineering honors and University of Texas - Austin; Chemical Engineering program.

She will be attending Alabama on the Presidential + Engineering scholarship this Fall!

95% will be attending over Berkeley, UCLA, Vanderbilt, UIUC

Son passed on UCLA, UCSD, Cal Poly SLO, University of Oregon, Oregon State, CU Boulder, Northern Arizona

DD decided to attended Alabama over - Yale, Princeton, Duke, Virginia North Carolina, UCLA, UC Berkeley.