what schools should I apply to?

I am currently a social work major at a community college in Pennsylvania. My goal is to go to Pitt, but I am wondering what other schools would be a good choice for my field. I have a 4.0 GPA after 35 credits and I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa, if that is helpful at all. Thank you!

Bonus: What do you think my chances are of getting into the university of pittsburgh?

If it’s any help, I definitely think you’ll get into Pitt, but I don’t know anything about social work programs sorry

Don’t take out a lot of loans regardless of where you end up. Social work just doesn’t pay that well.

Agreed. And if you’re going to get a MSW, you’re likely going to need loans for that, so don’t borrow much/any for undergrad.

Thanks. I have already paid for all my unergrad stuff. Pitt, being in state, is cheaper than a smaller school where I can’t commute. If I commute to Pitt I can pay most of my tuition off.