<p>I am currently a junior at a decent private school in Louisiana. I will be going to visit schools in North Carolina and Viriginia over spring break, but I am also open to other schools not in those areas.
My uw GPA is 3.7-3.8 (not sure exactly) my weighted gpa 4.0-4.2. I did not take any honors courses freshman year because i was not allowed since i had been homeschooled the previous year. Sophmore and junior year I am taking all honors courses offered although i did not take either of the two AP courses that I could have this year. Next year I will take either 2 or 3 APs and one honors with the rest being electives.
My SATs from last year M:610 V:630 W:580 (retaking in April hopefully they will be at least 2100) I haven't taken the ACT since freshman year when i got a 24.<br>
E.C.'s Varsity Tennis, Latin Club, lots of service hours and organizations, girl scouts for 12 years, band freshman year, student government, nothing too great just the norm.
Over Spring Break I am looking at: University of Richmond, William and Mary, University of Virginia, Washington and Lee, Wake Forest, Duke, Elon, UNC Chapel Hill, and Davidson.(parents have mainly selected these many due to friends having connections and such)</p>
<p>Suggestions for other schools and chances at these schools would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>I think you have a nice list to start with, but Richmond and Elon are the only safe matches/safeties... some less competitive to look at would be: Furman, Rhodes, Centre, Tulane, Hendrix, UMiami, Colorado College, Sewanee, SMU, Clemson</p>
<p>Emory, Rice, UT-Austin, UCLA, USC, NYU, BU, BC, University of Michigan (the last four if you don't mind the cold)</p>
<p>But I can't give you a definitive list unless I know your intended major and preferred surroundings (city, rural, suburban, west, east, near the ocean, far from the ocean?) and location (east, west, south, north?)</p>
<p>thanks for the suggestions. Right now I'm not 100% sure what I want to major in but I'm leaning toward pre-med and if not buisness. Also I probably want to go to the east coast (north or south) or texas. Also I definetly don't want to go to a rural school, but I'm open to pretty much anything else. I realize alot of the schools on my list are reaches but the parents don't think so and what they say goes. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.</p>
<p>definitely visit Rice if you want to go to Texas. It is great for pre-med and while the business school is only for grads, you can do a 3-2 BS/MBA or major in Managerial Studies as a second major. Austin College is great for pre-med and would be a safety for you, and UT-Austin is obviously the best for business in Texas.</p>
<p>Might want to look at some very good northeastern schools like Bowdoin, Holy Cross or Colgate. Holy Cross and Bowdoin are both SAT optional. Also if interested in Latin, HC has very good program.</p>