What score is better?

<p>CR+ Math 1580/ Writing 680 or</p>

<p>CR + Math 1500 / Writing 800</p>

<p>Personally, I would take the 800 writing, because that is a feat in itself. However, college admissions officers would still likely rather see the 1580 on reading/math since those two sections will be the determining factors in admissions still. Still, those are all awesome scores......</p>

<p>The second one.</p>

<p>obviously the second one, first one only add up to 2260, the second one is 2300
now let me explain
2300>2260, and colleges like larger numbers, do you understand?</p>

<p>yeah but 80 points higher on math + critical reading, a 1580, is nearly a perfect score on the old SAT. Any admissions officer would be more impressed with that.</p>

<p>however.... you can combine your best scores at most schools, thus you'd get a 2380 with those scores</p>

<p>Plus, I always thought a perfect on any subsection is impressive. Not just the combination.</p>

<p>Don't you send in your SAT scores and colleges do whatever they want with it? If not, then I would say it depends. Some colleges aren't taking the writing very seriously for the first couple of years, while some are.</p>

<p>It depends which college</p>

<p>The first one is probably better in most cases</p>

<p>haha most colleges just throw away the writing subscore and look at just CR+Math... they look at the writing test the same way they would the SATII writing in previous years</p>

<p>Would that happen for the high school class of 2007?</p>

<p>are you kidding me...the 1580 is way better...most colleges are still looking for CR and MATH only and even if they were looking at writing...I'd seriously take the 1580 with the CR and MATH...that's almost a perfect score on the old one.</p>

<p>and for salik...they don't compare writing score with SAT II writing, because Collegeboard has officially stated that those two tests cannot be compared, because of difference in essay grading and curve.</p>

<p>oh and if this helps argue my case for the 1580...most colleges that give scholarships based on SAT scores look at the combined MATH AND CR...out of 1600 ... I have not seen any officially stated document for any college that is considering the Writing Score for a merit based ship.</p>

<p>It's silly to think of one score as a 2260 and one as a 2300 and compare them like that. I'm convinced that colleges look at subscores. Think about it... even though we do, why would they add the numbers in the first place? Colleges want to know as much as possible about the student, and by looking at a sum, they would know less.</p>

<p>And yeah, we don't really decide our scores at all, this thread is just hypothetical...</p>

<p>just combine ur highest score</p>