What scores would you be happy with for the Dec SAT?

<p>So...what do you all think?</p>

<p>a kid at my school who took the SAT in march of this year got a 1970 then, and a 2240 in november…lol with my 1990 in june im hoping for a 2200 something in december because my GPA is killing me but critical reading (18-19 passage reading wrong) most might lead to my downfall. (750 M 560 CR 680 W)</p>

<p>CR: 670 and above
Math: w/e
Writing: hopefully above 730 but really dont care as much, mostly care about CR</p>

<p>anything as long as my CR is over 750, then i can just superscore my tests to get a 2300</p>

<p>I’d be happy with anything where Math is 800 and my total is over 2310, but I’d really like a 2360 just to beat my brother…</p>

<p>well I went up 200 points from my original SAT and I’m praying to go up at least another 200 points so I can have a total above a 2100, at least. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>If I was taking the December SAT, I would be happy with a 2050, the reason being this would be my first SAT.</p>

<p>2300+ would be awesome.</p>

<p>2100+ would be good.
Specifically, 750 Math, 650 CR, 700 W. I am pretty close to it so i think it might be possible.</p>

<p>I am praying for at least a 2100, please pray with me people</p>

<p>2300+ would be great. Specifically, I want an 800 W and an 800 M (already have 800 CR)</p>



10 char</p>

<p>This will be my first time taking the SAT.
Hoping for 700+ M/W and 650+ CR.
I hate CR.</p>


<p>It’s my first time taking it in hs, too :).</p>

<p>2350-2400 = girly shrieks of joy
2300-2350 = sigh of relief
<2300 = time to sign up for a retake :P</p>

<p>Like everyone else, I want a 2300 or higher. Think I might actually end up with ~2250, though (I usually don’t break 2300 on practice tests). I’ll retake if I’m not happy with my score (sub-2300).</p>

<p>^ some people say you’ll do better on the real than practice because of various factors (seriousness, alertness, less skipping ahead)</p>

<p>at least a 2300.</p>

<p>2310 cause everyone else said 2300</p>

<p>I’m actually taking it in June but w/e</p>

<p>I would be happy with
CR: 770
Math: 780
Writing: 790</p>

<p>So around 2340ish</p>

<p>I will probably take it in January or if i dont feel prepared in May,but i will be satisfied with a score of 2250-2300 .</p>