<p>Intended Major: Political Science/Government on a pre-law track</p>
<p>[] SAT: 2250 (780 CR, 770 W, 700 M)
[] GPA: 3.6 unweighted, 4.27 weighted, rigorous course load, upward trend
[] Rank: School doesn't rank, 5% - 16%
[] EC's: Social Justice Club President (Senior Year), Mock Trial Attorney (3 yrs), Gay Straight Alliance President (Junior and Senior), Drama Club Vice President, Peer Leadership, National Honor Society, Volunteer for Autism Charity, Key Club, 2nd place in local audio essay contest, Weekly internship with State Senator, 4.0 at Georgetowns Summer Course Fundamentals of Law, New Jersey Scholar
[] Essays: Excellent essay on my speech impediment as a child, my current public speaking skills and my desire to speak for those who cant speak for themselves through law/politics.
[] Teacher Recs: Excellent
[] Counselor Rec: Excellent
[] Hook (if any): None</p>
<p>Senior year classes-
AP Macroeconomics, AP Psych, AP Environmental, SUPA English, AP American History and Calculus</p>
[] State or Country: New Jersey
[] School Type: Public, competitive
[] Ethnicity: White
[] Gender: Female</p>
<p>Expected 5s in AP English and AP World History
Ive yet to take SAT IIs in Literature, World History and Math II</p>
<p>I’m just guessing the rank, and I’ve always been on the high honor roll.</p>
<p>I’m currently interested in:
GW Honors
BU Honors
Rutgers Honors </p>
<p>I know the ivies are always reaches, but I thought I might have a little chance…</p>
<p>How do you know about your recs already?</p>
<p>I had a similar UW GPA and I applied ED to Duke and got in, we have similar test scores and your weighted GPA is slightly higher than mine. That’s my expierence, a lot of those schools will be huge reaches/you probably won’t get in (HYP) but who knows. UVA OOS is extremely hard too. I’d say Duke or Gtown are reasonable reaches (especially with ED at Duke), but see where you fit the best.</p>
<p>I’ve gone to two summer programs that required teacher recommendations, and I am using the same two teachers because I had them this year too. I assume they will just add on to the old ones. I’m very close with my guidance counselor and she said they were probably two of the best she had ever read.</p>
<p>Thank you! good to know :)</p>
<p>You probably will not be accepted to the Ivies. However, there’s nothing wrong with applying. You never know. </p>
<p>Georgetown, Duke and UVa are probably low reaches/reaches (based on stats) but your SAT and ECs are great! Your essay also sounds compelling. </p>
<p>Rutgers and BU are strong matches. You have a great chance at George Washington but their honors program seems quite competitive. I suggest adding another match/safety school just to widen your options. Best of luck!</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your input! I totally understand the ivy thing :)</p>