Okay, so I know that there are already threads about office hours in general, and I have perused over all of them, but I find myself still panicking at the thought of attending office hours. So my hope is that a more specific thread will help me.
I’m a sophomore, and I still have never attended office hours. The thought of speaking one on one to a professor like that sort of freaks me out. What if I misuse office hours? What if I’m wasting their time? What if they think I’m an idiot? Etc. But I made it my goal this semester to both go to office hours and speak up in class more, and I really really want to stick to that goal because if I don’t do it now it’ll only get harder down the line.
The specific class I want to attend office hours for is my government class, American Political Campaigns. The professor is very funny and energetic, although he does tease/pick on people. It’s a largish class with about 80 people. I haven’t declared a major yet (and am super lost about what I want to do with the rest of my life) but government definitely interests me in general, and American Political Campaigns interest me specifically.
So, first some over-obsessive questions: His office hours begin right after class ends but in a different building. Should I follow him to the building or is that weird? Should I hang back a few minutes and then go to the building later? If I’m the only one there, should I knock on his door or go right in? Should I say what class I’m from? Should I announce I’m there for office hours? Should I introduce myself immediately? Should I launch right into some questions? How do I know when our discussion is done and I should leave? (Feel free not to answer all of these – I’m mostly just typing them out for myself so I can actually visually see all my concerns. But also feel free to answer them all).
And then here are a couple questions I have come up with to actually ask during office hours:
-I find your class extremely interesting. I’m a sophomore and haven’t declared a major yet, but government is definitely something that interests me. What are some potential career paths that I could take with a government major?
-Down the line I might be interested in becoming a professor, especially here at Cornell. What path did you take to become a professor?
-Are there any minors you would consider helpful to pair with a government major? (I don’t know about this one)
That’s sort of what I have so far. Are those appropriate uses of office hours? They aren’t talking about the course specifically. What other questions might I ask? I know people always say to ask professors about research; could that apply here? Or is that mostly just STEM fields? ANY advice whatsoever is appreciated!!!
Also, I am fully aware that I am over-thinking this way too much and I’m verging on being crazy. Whenever I see posts like this one I always roll my eyes and tell the poster “calm down you’ll be fine” so I know that’s what you guys are thinking!!! I never thought I would post such an obsessive/crazy post like this but for some reason this aspect of college TERRIFIES me and I need to get over this fear and anxiety so I really hope you guys can help out without being (too) judge-y about my insanity.