What should I be doing?

<p>I've always been in the highest possible classes, top 60 of my class of about 400. Sophomore year is almost here, and I'm stressing. I've always made straight A's, rare B's, but no EC's. Not because of laziness, because both parents work 12 hours a day, and I'm the oldest of 5, therefore the babysitter. We're making a lot of changes so I'll have more time for myself.
My dream is Vanderbilt, but that's ridiculously out of reach and I don't need to be told. But, hey, shoot for the moon and land among the stars, right?
So I took the ACT in June, and made a 23, not at all what I expected. It crushed me, but I'm coming back strong. The time was bad, but not the only thing to blame. I want to make at least a 30. I know it's almost impossible, but I'm trying.
So, in order to be the most I can possibly be, what should I be doing?</p>

<p>I think you should do ECs that interest you and benefit you. I’m a major proponent for school sports because being physically active can do wonders for you in all kinds of ways. But find things that you love doing. Join a club or a team of some sort like the Academic Challange team. Or you could do volunteer work. It’s possible to do some of all those things. The big thing is to grow, branch out a little, and have fun. And wherever you are, lead. It may take a while to get comfortable but being a leader is a big deal plus it looks good to colleges. Hope this helps some!</p>

<p>I would do the SAT as well as the ACT…there is often a large gap between them. You don’t really know which one is easier until you try both. Try to find a review course on the weekends…in our community, the Assistance League does one that is inexpensive and helped DD raise her scores on the SAT 200 points.</p>

<p>@VaCollegeGirl Sports are pretty much already decided at school and the coaches are biased and usually keep the people they have. But I do plan to join National Honor Society, Enviornmentalist club, & Key club. I’m looking for volunteer work and I plan to get a job next year. Thank you :)</p>

<p>@shoot4moon I plan to at least give the SAT a try. I’m going to start looking into mentors or community reviews for both as soon as the year begins. I also plan to take the PSAT this fall. Thanks :)</p>