What should I be looking at?

<p>I'm a junior now and I haven't started to apply anywhere it. I already took the SAT once and the ACT once and I plan to take both of them again. I got a 1800 or so on the SAT and a 28 Composite on the ACT. I have a 3.8-4.0 GPA for this year but I plan to have a 4.1 or so by the end of the year. ECs include Tennis, FIRST Robotics, President of Robotics Club at school, THINKQUEST, Model UN, and a bunch of others like Model UN but for science that I can't think of right now. I really wanted to look at University of Pennsylvania, but that's not looking to good right now. So can you guys name some good colleges preferably on the East Coast (as far west as Illinois maybe)? I'm definitely in the top quarter of my class, and almost certainly in the top 10% but I have to check. Penn State, I think, is a safety, right? I would like to be near or in a big city (NYU, though my parents won't let me go there).</p>

<p>EDIT: I haven't decided on a major yet. In fact, I'm stuck between a few. I love and am really good with technology, but on the other hand, I love business and economics and have talent there too since my family is more or less a business family. So what are some good majors that will have lots of open jobs and a good starting salary that combine business and tech.</p>

<p>Have you considered Lehigh? Also, many of the tech schools are also offering business or entrepreneurship degrees (for example, Stevens Institute of Technology, which is just across the river from NYC). If you really want to get a large salary, combine an undergrad engineering degree with an MBA.</p>

<p>Yeah, Penn State should be a safety. But if you want to be near a city, Pitt might be a better safe option. Clarkson also comes to mind, if you want a smaller safety. </p>

<p>Lehigh is a good match. Also look at U Rochester and Syracuse.
Then on the note of NYC, Fordham is good for business.</p>

<p>Look at Northeastern.</p>

<p>Case Western and RIT.</p>

<p>I should mention I want to leave Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania in general unless I have no other choice or I get into UPenn. I will not go to Pitt no matter what. CMU is a maybe only because it's such a good school but even then it's unlikely.</p>