What should i choose???

<p>I'm now accepted by the following programes:</p>

<p>CMU:Civil Engineering ($12,500) MS
UMich:Construction Engineering and Management MS
Columbia:Construction Engineering and Management MS
Northwestern:Project Management
Conerll:Engineering Management MEng</p>

<p>I wanna enter consulting companys or investment companys. I HOPE to transfer to another major during the graduate programes. Possibility to get intership or get job in the U.S is a important factor for me to make a decision</p>

<p>I highly doubt you’ll be able to change majors in graduate school without re-applying and starting from scratch. Students are admitted by the departments, not the schools.</p>

<p>I can’t speak to your ability to get into management consulting or investment banking. However, if you were to stay with construction engineernig & management, I’d recommend Columbia. It’s located an urban area with lots of companies, where you’ll be able to work part-time. I got my MS there and worked 20 hours/week the first semester. I had some scheduling conflicts during the second semester so I was only able to work 10 hrs/wk. There’s also a fair number of adjunct professors who work professionally in the field during the day, so they may have industry connections.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for your reply~~^^
Could you please tell me what kind of internship did you get during the time? Did your find it easy to get an internship during your time in Columbia?
I was told that the civil engineering in Columbia is not that outstanding according to some ranking list. Does it really matter when a company consider whether it should offer you a chance?</p>

<p>I had a construction management internship, but I started that prior to attending Columbia. Columbia does have the largest engineering career fairs in NYC and a high percentage of them do look for civil engineering grads.</p>

<p>When I checked a couple of years ago, Columbia was ranked in the 20s, which isn’t “elite,” but is still very high. Regardless, construction management firms don’t really look at rankings when hiring. Going through the LinkedIn profiles of my colleagues, I’ve noticed a wide range of schools represented, from elite schools to normal local colleges.</p>

<p>If it helps, I picked Columbia over UIUC-Champaign and Carnegie Mellon back in 2007. It seemed to have the best industry connection of the schools I applied for.</p>