What should I do about my SAT test registration? help!!

<p>In hope that I would be able to prepare myself for SAT II physics and math level 1 and math level 2 by mid January, I registered for all of those tests.
But, realizing that taking math level 1 is unnecessary ( since I am going to take math level II), and that I am not ready for the physics test, I decided to postpone the test on Januarary 24th.
I know that I cannot get refund or just simply even makes changes online as to the tests I selected.</p>

<p>I only want to take math level II on the day.
So, how should I make sure that on the report card, I did not take those two tests.</p>

<p>I am worried i might get the report card as if I took those two exams.</p>

<p>Is there anyone who selected multiple SAT II subject tests and just took some of them on the test date??</p>

<p>If you decide only to take Math II on test day, then the other scores won’t even show up. You’ll just lose your money.</p>