What should I Do (IB Math)

So I am a sophomore in high school, and am taking Algebra II (Regular). I was in Algebra II Honors 1st semester, but got a really low score and decided to switch down fro second semester. I am planning on retaking the first semester over the summer and know that I am going to get A/A+ in it.

We are scheduling classes for next year, and I am trying to decide what class to take. At my school, we have three levels of Pre-Calc/Trig: Honors, Regular, and Intermediate (which is lower than reg). I know that I will NOT be taking honors (I learned my lesson) and since I did so badly in the first semester of ALG 2, I am currently recommended for intermediate pre-calc/trig. I am normally an A+ student in AP classes but for some reason i found that class impossible.

So basically, my question is what I should take. I heard about the IB Mathematics SL program and wonder if I would succeed (keeping in mind that I did not succeed in ALG 2 Honors b/c is is EXTREMELY hard at my school). Does anyone know the level of difficulty for IB Math SL ( at my school it is 2 years- 1st year pre-calc and second year is sort-of AB Calc) and whether one can go from regular ALG 2 to IB Math? Also, if anyone knows if pre-calc reg is easier/harder than ib pre-calc.

The reason I don’t want to take intermediate is because it eliminates the option of taking any sort of calculus senior year. If you take it, you have to take AP Statistics of Finite Math senior year which is something I don’ want to do. Also, in my school, you cannot just go into any math class, what you are recommended for is what you go to. However, if you sign a waiver form, you can go to a higher class. BUT, if you fail, you cannot switch out.

This might be a little confusing, so if anything needs clarification, just say. ANYTHING would be appreciated, Thanks!

Reg pre-calc is probably easier than IB pre-calc. My advice would be to take the hardest course you have before SL math to best prepare yourself. However, I have no idea how ALG 2 Honors is at your school especially compared to regular pre-calc, but IB SL Math isn’t /that/ difficult- apparently it’s comparable to AP Stats + AP Calc AB.

Yeah IB SL is generally thought to be a higher level than regular precalc. If you’re uncertain about just precalc, definitely don’t do IB.