I attend a full time dual enrollment program and when I graduate from HS in June I will have both my AA and my HS diploma. This means that all of the courses that I am currently taking are College Courses (we even go to school with CC students at our local CC.) I took on to many classes last semester (19 credit hours) and ended up with two Fs (one in Calc and the other in Chemistry). I am currently in the process of retaking these classes and I know that now that I have less credit hours (15) I will be able to pass them. The thing is that I have already been accepted to a couple of schools. One of them my goal school which is Penn State. I was wondering how I should proceed. Should I call or email Penn State and let them know or should I just wait since I am retaking the courses. These courses don’t have anything to do with my major as I am a Political Science and English major.
Thank You in advance.
If it helps my SAT score is 1820 and my GPA are 3.56 (Core) and 4.67 (Weighted).
You should call or E-Mail and let them know you failed and are retaking the courses. Don’t wait. It may be bad news.
I wouldn’t just wait and hope they don’t notice. Email them and provide your plan for retaking / doing better in the courses and ask how that affects your acceptance.
P.S. Congrats on your acceptances! WE ARE, and all that. 
Agreed, because they will notice. Be proactive.
Thank You! I’ll email or call them what would you guys say are the chances of it being bad news?
I think odds are since you are retaking the classes you are fine. If you don’t contact them they would not assume that and you’d at least get a message asking what you are doing.
Thank you so much!!! I’ll definitively contact them!
Hi! Just in case someone was wondering brcause they had the same issue and came across this board I just called Penn State and they told me my admission stands as long as I graduate high school.