What should I do? *NEED HELP ASAP!*

<p>Ok, I am a senior in highschool. I have taken the ACT once last year and received a 26 on it. I crammed a bit before taking it on the weekend. I am taking it again September 15...I am aiming to get a 30 or higher. Is it possible to jump that high on your composite score? Btw, the first time I used the real ACT guide (but didn't do any of the the 3 practice tests) and Kaplan's 2006 ACT guide (again didn't do any of the practice tests, didn't have time...) I have just finished the ACT for Dummies book and I am about to do their practic tests. Should I read any other book for help (seeing that it is only about 1 and 1/2 weeks away...) or should I focus on taking more practice tests from different books to familiarize myself to the test (I never get to finish the reading and science tests...I have a difficult time finishing within the specified period...) Any help appreciated. Seriously...</p>

<p>lol, your situation is kind of like my brother. </p>

<p>i believe that you can take 3 more act test before you have to send in your applications. 1 in Sept., 1 in Oct., and 1 in December (December you'll have to turn in your application and tell them you'll send the score later.) </p>

<p>a 26 up to a 30 isn't that hard, but it usually take at least 2 (months or more) of preparation. i believe you should focus more on taking a lot more test so you won't panic when you take the real on. </p>

<p>for science my strategy is to just go directly to the question and skip the passage. if the question asks you for information in the passage. SKIP it and go back to it later when you're done with the other questions in that passage. it should save you A LOT of time. </p>

<p>For reading:
read the questions (44sec)
skim the passage (3min)
answer question (remainder of the time)</p>

<p>What about timing in the english part? I kind of have problems there too...</p>

<p>jus do the real act book it helps a lot and i only did the first test in it</p>

<p>went from 26 to 32...so its possible</p>