what should i do the day before act?

<p>well i plan to relax this friday but what should i do. go to a homecoming carnival(this goes from 3-7pm) or just go home, study and play video games??</p>

<p>Go to the carnival, and then go home and go to bed early</p>

<p>good luck :)</p>

<p>go out to a nice restaurant and get a milkshake</p>

<p>or you can save that for after the act :)</p>

<p>Eat good food, have fun, go to bed early.</p>

<p>Video games, videos, girls :slight_smile: As long as you’re in a good mood on that test day, your score will benefit no joke.</p>

<p>Sleep 12 hours+. Don’t eat sugar.</p>

<p>Go to bed early and eat healthy. However, I don’t know about you, but I get lazy after sleeping a lot so don’t sleep too much, but get a decent amount of sleep. Good luck!:)</p>

<p>Go to bed early, rest, and make sure you eat a good breakfast. When you wake up the next day, read a short excerpt of something to get your brain going before the test.</p>

<p>get hammered so you don’t stress all night unable to sleep</p>

<p>“go to bed early” soooo much easier said than done. I got 3 hours of sleep the night before I got my 34</p>