<p>I'm new to this site and this is my first post... I was wondering if anyone could advise me on what exactly to do to get into Yale; advice from people already going to Yale and those trying to apply will be greatly appreciated. I'm starting IB after this Summer, and I want to make the best of my experience there - I've heard it's not too easy, but I'm ready to try!</p>
<p>What is is that Yale centres on when accepting applicants? Co-curricular activities? Sociable people? Grades? What should I do to win Yale over?</p>
<p>Thanks! I’ll check it out!</p>
<p>Best of luck with IB! I just graduated from the program. It is definitely a very, very challenging two years, but some people find it rewarding, and others even find it easy; I hope you’ll be in one of the latter two groups. If nothing else, though, IB teaches you to write, which should help prepare you for those application essays. =P</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice!
I’m definately being told that it’s not exactly a walk in the park, but hopefully I’ll make it through 
What Universities are you planning to apply to??</p>
<p>If you want some help getting into any Ivy League go to this site… you can do much of what she is doing and she gives great tips!!!</p>
<p>A cursory glance at the blog was enough to indicate that you should NOT follow her tips. Stick with more reputable sources.</p>
<p>I completely second TheAscendancy.</p>
<p>And Yal3Girl, I’m sure you can make it through. If you’re already on CC as a sophomore, you probably have the drive and the ambition to succeed in IB.
As for your question, I’m heading to Yale in August.</p>
<p>That’s awesome! Congratulations! </p>
<p>Thanks for the reference deman22, it’s a great blog but I think I’ll go with Darthspawn’s references because they’re directly from Yale!
Hopefully I’ll get through IB unscathed and thanks everybody! You’ve been great help 
Where has CC been all my life?? haha</p>
<p>Ohhhh gosh, IB. I’ve been in the MYP for four years now - heading to DP next year (so we’re in the same boat). Junior year is supposed to be really rough. Do you know what classes you’re taking?</p>
<p>As some general advice: something I’ve learned, from experience and DP graduates, is to actually do the work and don’t procrastinate. Procrastination is the easiest way to shoot yourself in the foot (goes without saying, but that doesn’t stop the idiots like me from doing it). And make sure you manage your time so you still have energy left for ECs - they help you reach CAS hour requirements and gives you some respite from the sheer academics of IB, because the program is so much more than that. </p>
<p>Best of luck!</p>
<p>If you want to go to Yale, you have to beat the competition, including me (:</p>
<p>Hahaha Woeishe, I’ll be careful to keep that in mind!
And the competition IS steep, I’ve read the requirements for entry from the main site… it’s really hard to get in, but worth it!!</p>
<p>I’ll be taking the following classes, Smartical (drumroll):
HL English
HL History
HL Economics
SL Math (I’m OK at Math but I was told HL math isnt exactly student-friendly…:o)
SL Environmental Systems (this is the ONLY science I’m allowing myself to take. I’m not exactly Einstein :p)
ab initio (SL) Spanish
I’m planning to do my EE in English or History… I’m a Literature geek, it’s crazy… you? Have you decided what you’re going to do??</p>
<p>AP Euro –> IB Contemporary History (testing HL)
AP Lang –> IB English (HL)
AP/HL Chemistry (which is supposed to be deathly. I would choose the hard science…)
Precalc –> IB Calc (testing SL, probably pay for the AP test as well)
SL Psych</p>
<p>I think I signed up for HL Spanish, and now I question why I ever thought that was a good idea, seeing as I strongly dislike both taking Spanish and the teacher I’ll be stuck with…</p>
<p>You have a good schedule - you’ll make it through just fine. The people I talked to said the exams for SL Math and ESS were pretty easy. It’s mostly the actual classes and workload that people struggle with. I’m definitely going to write my EE on something related to the humanities - probably something to do with writing, if I can help it. =)</p>
<p>I know, right? The only subject I can think of that’d be remotely interesting to write an EE on is Literature, or history. That way I’ll be compelled to finish the essay on time! </p>
<p>Chemistry is really hard, in every sense of the word (I’ve done it before) and it’s no walk in the park, no matter how clever you are, but if you keep studying on it then everything gets easier. It would be suicide for me to even CONSIDER taking Chemistry – I’m just not made for sciences… On the other hand, I’m not completely useless in math but Higher Level math isn’t the easiest course to take, apparently
We’re advised to “only take it if it’s necessary for our various career choices”</p>
<p>It’s just choosing an actual, specific topic that’s going to kill me… I’m going to end up picking something really narrow and only come up with 2,000 words or something ridiculous.</p>
<p>The only reason I’m doing Chem is because I needed another HL - my only other options were Bio and ESS, both SL only. So Chem it was (plus, I am kinda interested in forensics, so you never know…). HL math is supposed to be really terrible. I have friends that took Calc for two years (AB then BC); apparently, the AP exam wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t anything compared to the IB exam.</p>
<p>Haha I’m sure you’ll find something 4000-word-worthy
I mean, there’s so much to choose from!
I’ve been trying to get a 4th HL as well, and my only options are HL Maths (um. this was never really an option to begin with) HL Chemistry & Biology because we dont have HL ESS, and maybe HL French (I’m not allowed to take it because I dont have a history in the language :/) </p>
<p>I decided to go with 3HL’s and 3SL’s in the end. I’m going to do the best I can in them, so I have time to concentrate on everything else, like CAS and EC’s… It makes sense. </p>
<p>It makes sense, right??! </p>
<p>HL Math might be the worst course in IB… what do you want to do for a career?? :o</p>