What should I do with my Sophomore summer?

<p>I want to do something meaningful with my Sophomore summer, but there's a lot of options. Some of those include:</p>

<p>-JSA program at Stanford
-internship with Chemistry research group at Stanford
-business internship with my 2nd cousin in Jakarta, Indonesia
-Lead America Business Conference </p>

<p>So what would look best to top colleges? (specifically Stanford; my dream school) All of these opportunities are interesting to me, but I can't choose. I really love chemistry but I also want to get experience in the business world. Also, I've heard different things about JSA and I don't know if it's that prestigious. I really don't know too much about Lead America either. Please help me make a decision, thanks.</p>

<p>business internship in indonesia.</p>

<p>tough call for soph summer- good options, flip a coin and thank God youre well off. as far as junior year, id say take a summer class (for credit) at an Ivy, get an A and a LOR from the Prof (TA). all the best.</p>