What should I do?

Why do u feel like UMD is any better. Maybe harder to get into.

Go get great grades and love your school.

Stop looking ahead. School has already been a struggle.

Focus on the school. If you have one foot out the door at the beginning you’ll likely not take advantage of the amazing experience in front of you.

TraNsfers have it hard. They know no one. Others have cemented their friendships, taken them lead in clubs and know the lay of the land.

Love the school who loves you up front.


You can apply to both PG year programs and to colleges & universities, then decide when you have received decisions.

You present a strong case for attending a PG year & many elite prep school PG programs will accept you with a 1490 SAT score and an improving academic profile.

No one participating in this thread has the authority to make an admission decision at any PG program.

I have suggested the Lawrenceville School to you as an option for a PG year. Please consider Lawrenceville. If it helps, I know of more than one head of school (prep schools) who have enrolled their sons at Lawrenceville for a PG year with excellent college placement results.

Feel free to contact any and every elite PG program in the country & ask about your situation and about your candidacy for admission and for enhanced college options.

P.S. Varsity lacrosse. As a varsity lacrosse player, you are a student-athlete. I do not recall ever knowing of a better case for a PG year at an elite program than yours–although I know many who were required to attend a PG year in order to qualify for admission to the US Naval Academy.

P.P.S. I suggest that you consider PG year programs at:

The Lawrenceville School & Deerfield Academy

Others to consider / contact: Loomis Chaffee, Choate Rosemary Hall, The Hill School, Kent School, Mercersburg Academy, The Peddie School, Phillips Exeter Academy, & Phillips Academy-Andover.

Other PG programs that might be of interest: Hotchkiss School, The Taft School, McCallie School (all boys), Northfield Mount Herman, Wyoming Seminary (athletic powerhouse in several sports), Blair Academy, & IMG Academy for athletics.

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You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. :wink:


That’s for sure, I agree 100 percent

OP, let us know how it goes and whether you get a sufficiently generous financial aid offer from Lawrenceville.


I will be sure to.


Thanks for the insight. I am planning on applying to Deerfield, Lawrenceville, and Exeter. I’m also talking with a few more admissions people but I plan to apply to about 4 or 5.


What did you end up doing?

They haven’t been online since April. If they return and want to answer, they can PM me to reopen the thread. Closing.

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