What should I do?

<p>I got waitlisted at Cornell CALS yesterday, a bit surprised.</p>

<p>However, i know one kid in my school who got in with stats that in my opinion are not as good as mine (not trying to sound cocky at all).</p>

<p>I have a higher GPA, high SATs, higher SAT II's, similar AP scores, Harder course load especially senior year, way more EC's (the student is a "member" of one club, dropped out of another) and positions, i play more varsity sports, i have done research and shadowed doctor, WAY more volunteering, and more awards. The only thing that the student could possible have better than me was the essay. </p>

<p>I can't seem to understand what logic went into this decision. I know the essay may be a very important part of the application, but does it more important that everything else. Do all the other criteria not even matter?</p>

<p>I want to ask my guidance counselor to call cornell on thursday and ask about how this decision was made and basically compare me and the other applicant. Would this be a good move to make? Any suggestions?</p>

<p>**I can't seem to understand what logic went into this decision. I know the essay may be a very important part of the application, but is it more important than everything else. Do all the other criteria not even matter?</p>

<p>You can have your counselor call, but you're unlikely to get an answer that you'll be happy with. All parts of the application are important, including the essay. Cornell does not look at your numbers alone, and all of the undergraduate Colleges and Schools make their own admissions decisions. The truth is, it's a subjective process - decisions that seem inconsistent were nonetheless made for a reason. I know that isn't a very "feel-good" answer, but you're not likely to get something more satisfying from an admissions officer. What you should do is consider submitting any supplemental material that would make you a more attractive wait list candidate. Best of luck.</p>

<p>One of the main concerns for the CALS adcom is if you're even a good fit for the college. They know a lot of people of apply because in-state tuition is less and kids get accepted with lower stats....so they really place a heavy emphasis on your essays to determine if you are someone who would benefit from a CALS education.</p>

<p>Maybe you couldn't communicate that as clearly as the other student from your school who was accepted.....If you really want to go to CALS....inform the adcom of any recent accomplishment, maybe another LOR and write them a letter....clearly expressing why you want CALS. Good luck!</p>

<p>And if you'd be willing to start at Cornell in January of '09, when the school inevitably loses students, by all means let them know.</p>

<p>even if their decision doesn't change, do you think me or my guidance councelor would be able to make the adcoms look at my app again?</p>

<p>I doubt it....work with your GC to send it quality materials to supplement your app. They've offered GT to kids they couldn't get off the waitlist in the past. If you end up not getting in and you would like to transfer, you would be able to do so for the Fall '09 entering class.</p>

<p>what school did the other kid apply to? what is his intended major? were they the same as yours? in reality, there is probably a slim chance that they would review your application again. but it never hurts to ask right? the worst they can say is no...but definitely have your GC ask</p>