What should I do?

<p>What should I do this summer (before my freshman year) that will help my medical apps? Any research programs, volunteer ideas, etc.?</p>

<p>Bump!!! Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Before your freshman year? nothing - enjoy your summer</p>

<p>chill…spend time with friends and family…and eat a ton of homecooked food…and get some random fun summer job…</p>

<p>there will be time for research and such for the rest oof your college career…this is kind of your “last summer” so just relax and enjoy it so you can be ready to tackle your first semester in college and be awesome. </p>

<p>i know thats probably not what you want to hear…and its not what I wanted to either but it is what ended up happening and I don’t regret it at all nor do I feel not doing anything related to “med school apps” that summer will in any way hurt me when it comes time to apply. I realized that I probably wont have a lot of time from now on to spend at home and even with high school friends so I’m really glad that I had so much fun last summer… </p>

<p>Also, when you get a job in college you will most likely try to get something research oriented/clinical…this summer you have a chance to get some crazy random job that will give you an interesting summer different from what working in a lab could give you. </p>

<p>If you still have time after all that…you can probably find a doctor to shadow becuase you might not have as much time during the school year. also start looking for a research position at school and email professors whose research you find interesting. </p>

<p>ok bye.</p>

<p>ok thanks guys</p>