What should I do?

<p>Hey guys. I am going to be a high school junior in the fall. Some of my dream colleges are USC, Stanford, and I just want to apply to Harvard for the heck of it. I know junior year is the most vital of the whole 4 year experience. What should I do this school year in order to at least be noticed by top colleges?</p>

<p>get perfect grades, get suppper involved in one EC and win awards. example: do track, try to win every meet. example: start charity, get grant from city council, make big difference, hurray. example: win its academic competitions and start learning disabled counterpart. do anything special and over the top.</p>

<p>totallysweet has it pretty much covered. Grades are most critical, then SAT's or ACT. Focus on one or two of you favorite EC's - ones that you will enjoy as well as be able to talk about in your college applications. </p>

<p>If you can, I would recommend starting college visits this fall. The schools that mention are quite different - maybe visit a LAC in your area.</p>