What should I major in if I want to be an entrepreneur and inventor?

I didn’t know what I wanted to do until this past December. I started coming up with ideas for inventions. I can totally imagine myself owning a business and producing some of my ideas. My main goal in life has always been to find something that would make me happy. I want to find something that would make me excited to go to work everyday, and I honestly feel like I’ve found it.

The only problem is that I have NO CLUE how to make them. I don’t even know when to begin. I am more of a history and English person than a math and science person. I know that I have to be good at math and science in order to succeed, but I struggled to get a B in Honors Chemistry last year, and this year I’m struggling to keep a B in Honors Physics. In Honors Algebra 2/Trig, I got a C and that class was incredibly hard for me. I dropped down to regular Precalc instead of Honors Precalc, and now I finally have an A in math again.

Because of my math and science skills (or lack thereof), I’m a little concerned about how I can invent these things. I love business and economics and dealing with money, and my main goal is to own a business that sells a wide range of things. Not like Walmart, but more like Apple. Not really specializing in electronics or something specific like that, but more innovative out of the box things.


I don’t feel like I’m good at math or science, but I want to be an inventor and own my own business and sell my items. I am good at business and economics. My main problem is that I have a lot of ideas, but no clue how to make them.xl What would you suggest I major in?

Thank you so much,

Engineering management is a field that might be worth considering. Broadly speaking, engineering management involves the application of engineering principles to business practices, or the application of business principles to engineering practices. Although such a major does in turn mean that one will be taking fewer classes in each respective field. It’s a fairly specific degree, and may not be exactly what you’re looking for. It’d be worth looking into though.

I responded to your other thread with the point that not liking math/science is a big shortcoming for an engineering student. However, it sounds like your dislike for it largely comes from struggling with it. It doesn’t seem like your math and science grades are that bad though. They aren’t perfect, but they don’t necessarily have to be perfect. Just to clarify, are you still a high school student? What year are you?

As an example, check out schools like Case Western Reserve University and the programs they have.
For engineering inventing, they have think[box],

Think[box] will create a distinct, on-campus environment where hands-on education, design and development, and product commercialization can all take place, and where these activities can interact and cross fertilize. More than a meeting place or world-class fabrication laboratory, it’s home to educators, advisors, mentors, and facilitators who can assist students and faculty into becoming tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and technology leaders.

Think[box] is a force to change the social culture of Case Western Reserve and Northeast Ohio by encouraging cross-department and cross-institution collaborative endeavors that push creativity and innovation to their limits. By providing a place where members of the engineering, design, arts, science, medical and business communities can interact, we hope to overcome the intellectual and physical boundaries that often prevent the spread of ideas and limit cross-discipline innovation.

For the business majors, they have Blackstone LaunchPad, a groundbreaking initiative that gives university students and alumni the skills, knowledge, and guidance to start new companies.

So check out other universities and see what types of programs they have.

@comfortablycurt I am still a high school junior! Do you think I still have time to change my attitude towards math and science? I would DEFINITELY enjoy it more if I understood it better. I’ve just always struggled a little and it’s turned me off to the whole thing. If I could become better and enjoy them, engineering would definitely be my first choice of career.

Try to go to Babson. Sounds like it’s right for you. http://www.babson.edu/Academics/undergraduate/Pages/home.aspx

“Inventor” covers a lot of things. Sara Blakely “invented” Spanx. She is (was?) the world’s youngest, self-made gazillionnaire. She graduated frim Florida State w a communications degree.

It’s not the school that determines success. It’s the person.

Where’re you from? UMD has a great “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” honors program run by a Harvard MBA. Great guy. Angle your application toward your entrepreneurial/innovative interests and they’ll probably select you for honors, meaning you can do the program. Feel free to contact Jay (the director) about the program/ask some questions. He’d love the recruit you.

It sounds right up your alley.


You’d want to major in business. At UMD, you can specialize in entrepreneurship IIRC

Disclaimer: UMD may be paying @Vctory

Not paid, but I was in the program first semester and it sounds perfect for what they want haha


Ahh man! Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll definitely have to check it out! I live in IL though, so not sure if my parents will be willing to shell out the extra cash.