What should I put on my application?

<p>Hey all! I'm bi-racial (half Latina), but I always put Latina on my forms because I identify with it the most. When I'm applying to schools, is it OK if I put Latina instead of Bi-Racial? Also - just out of curiosity, how do schools verify race? In the school's system, I'm listed as Hispanic/Latina. Is that enough to validate, or do they check the census also?</p>

<p>Latino/Hispanic is not a race but rather an ethnicity. You should mark Hispanic/Latino and then whatever races if they ask. If you only have the option to mark Hispanic/Latino then go with that since that’s what you’ve been going by throughout your academic career. </p>

<p>Some applications now will say something to this effect:</p>

<p>1) Are you of Hispanic descent?<br>
Answer: Yes/No</p>

<p>2) Mark all races that apply to you.
Answer: Black/White/Native Indian/Asian/Pacific Islander/etc. </p>

<p>So you can be 100% Hispanic and 100% Asian (i.e. an Asian born in Mexico, a Black born in Brazil, etc.).</p>

<p>The schools don’t really check race/ethnicity. They are certainly not going to go through the census.</p>

<p>If you’re applying to schools, yes, you can put Latina. Hispanics/Latin@s can come in any race or combination of races.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! :)</p>