What should I write in the "Additional Comments" section under "Academic History"?

Should I try to explain why I got Bs in certain classes and that my teachers were bad? Or would that sound bad to admissions officers? Do I leave that section blank or do I write about achievements? Help!

Do not blame your teachers for bad grades. I would not bother explaining the B’s if that will be your explanation, it will only make you look bad in the Adcoms eyes. Also what is so bad about B’s?

Ok thank you. Then should I leave the section blank? Or what should I write?

The box is for those with an anomaly in their grades they’d like to explain - A great example - a bad semester due to the death of a family member - or, perhaps teacher turnover at a critical time in a difficult class .

It is your application, do you have something you’d like to explain?

@gumbymom is right though, don’t blame the teacher for your B.