What stats do you need to get into the Honors Program?

<p>I honestly found American University like 5 minutes ago, but I like the idea of being in DC. As of now, I’m just making a list of colleges I’m considering. Would I be able to get into the honors program with a 1410/2080 SAT (ugh eww hoping to raise it in May but probably wont go too much higher) but a 97.7UW/98.6W GPA which makes me 6/350ish. I have pretty good extra-curriculars, my main one being science research (Siemens Semifinalist). Also, what makes the honors program so different from the regular university? Are there more opportunities and extra advising, or just smaller classes? Is the university itself still good, even without being in the honors program? I’m not sure how much I can trust **************. How is the Chemistry department specifically?</p>

<p>The ****** is c o l l e g e p r o w l e r LOL</p>

<p>I would think you would be in for the honors program. But AU is not known for its sciences. AU has strong political science, international studies and business schools.</p>

<p>Honors program involves smaller honors classes for lower level classes, special interdisciplinary honors colloquia, extra advising, special honors evens, and opportunity to graduate with honors.</p>

<p>I’m looking for safety schools right now and I want to be in a big city. I like the idea of being in DC, but most schools in DC aren’t known for science.</p>

<p>DC is great, my son is having a great time. You can cross register in any DC school, so you have the opportunity to take courses anywhere.</p>

<p>Have you considered UMD? Its on the Metro line and probably has a stronger chemistry department. It would also be a safety for you.</p>

<p>I believe you can only cross register and take courses at other schools if the course you want is not available to take at the school where you attend.( Some courses not being offered every semester). I would think that if AU has a science major it would offer all courses needed for that major. I wouldn’t base your decision to attend on this.</p>

<p>Would UMD really be a safety? It looks like a nice school from what I’ve seen/read online and both of my friend’s older sisters go there. That could be a good option if it really is a safety. I guess there’s no harm in applying either way.</p>