What stereotype do you most resemble?

Stoner. Intelligent but doesn't try hard [enough] in school. Laid back. Love the music.



<p>I'm a hell raiser, a loving father, and a semi good husband.</p>

<p>angsty and spazzy art student!</p>

<p>with a double of wutever the uber tight pants and jet black hair is. </p>


<p>well, if you know my race (Asian), you'd probably assume I'm your average Calculus-crunching, calculator-flaunting future electrical engineer; but I'm not. I think I'm more crazy creative madman/genius (I hope) that does esoteric, iconoclastic things. Haha, yea, in short, I'm weird.</p>

<p>"goody-two-shoes who would never skip class."
actually, its pretty ironic, because I was on the water polo team at my school, and it was FULL of Intense party-goers, and I was literally the only person who had never gone to one. (Still haven't) Last year, a senior girl asked me if I wanted to "go and get wasted." My response was "Why in the world would I want to go and do that for?" (That was a big hit with my teammates----not)</p>