<p>most pysch majors I know are girls who didn’t know what they wanted to do… if you’re not completely serious about it, don’t do it because you will never find a job and will most likely go back to school for nursing or something related.</p>
<p>I’d like to stay away from the UN and all that world peace business as a probable Int’l Studies and Language major/minor. It’d be nice, but awfully boring.</p>
<p>Any stereotypes for those studying to be fluent in other languages along with the International Relations jazz? And whoever said about white kids dominating the Asian studies are probably right, and I might add to those ranks! Or maybe French. I need a 3rd language besides English and Spanish.</p>
<p>^ we’re just stereotyping here…most of the stereotypes mentioned aren’t even true, they’re just funny </p>
<p>you sound like a typical IR major, obsessed with foreign cultures and learning European languages even though all you really need is English. (I shouldn’t be talking, I studied Italian for 6 years lol). Mandarin might be helpful though. From your username I would’ve guess Marine Biology. </p>
So true! Most of the East Asian Culture majors i’ve met aren’t Asian. I guess since many are 1st/2nd gen immigrants and already know a lot about the culture?</p>
<p>Most might not be true, but boy have I seen a few examples in some undergrad courses at the big state uni in town, haha. This is a fun thread to read. I just grew up bilingually and am bored with both languages I know (not fluent in Spanish due to no practice =[ ), I definitely want to get in on the whole upcoming stage of intensified Asian-American relations. It will happen in this lifetime, no doubt.</p>
<p>Yeah, you’re mostly correct, although I don’t want to touch the sciences as a career, it’s too rigid for my tastes. Great for a hobby, though, maybe a few courses in it.</p>
<p>it’s not really rigid, but you need more required courses than other majors. Like i’m studying Econ and there’s only 11 required classes for the major, with Sci classes it’s usually 15+…with liberal arts there’s not as much stuff you have to learn and it’s easier to do well in, especially classes on culture/ethnic studies. </p>
<p>Sounds like IR with an Asian Studies or language minor sounds good for you. You’re right, well be seeing the Asian-American population double in the next 50 years, plus more Asian nations are becoming prominent in world affairs.
sometimes I regret not learning Spanish, it’s easy and practical. Italian is essentially useless but i’ll be studying abroad there. more stereotypes:</p>
<p>Theatre - popular major here, many of the guys are gay and the girls are pretty drama queens</p>
<p>Any Musical Instrument - don’t have real classes, but “studios”. Will spend half the day locked in a practice room with a violin or whatever. Usually talented.</p>
<p>Art History - loves art but often not talented at it, secretly wants to study Art or Design Will end up working at a museum</p>
<p>African American Studies - these students are usually black, weird cause Asian Studies majors aren’t usually Asian </p>
<p>I meant rigid more in the thought process behind the subject. I prefer to test the waters and not follow exactly what I’m told, and I won’t be able to get away with that in college sciences from what I’ve seen. >></p>
<p>“History: Tends to absolutely love their subject, even if they kno they will b made fun of for having no career options but teaching” (still don’t see any quote buttons…) This is actually pretty true, and a rare positive spin on history majors. I’ll still rag on my brother forever about a double major in history and poli sci, though.</p>
<p>““History: Tends to absolutely love their subject, even if they kno they will b made fun of for having no career options but teaching””</p>
<p>As a history major thats true :p</p>
<p>I don’t know, I’m a liberal arts major and I don’t find those classes any less rigid than my science classes. We read books, write papers, take tests, etc. One thing I dislike about Humanities though is your grade reflects your professor’s mood that day as much as your effort/talent. I took Writing I last semester and struggled for an A- but in Writing II my professor adores me. You have to adjust to the prof’s style and what they like to read. Whereas it doesn’t matter who grades my Bio test, the grade is a reflection of my effort.
you’ll have to study politics and history with IR I think. people think history is useless, but I think it’s an important subject. Yeah, I guess teaching is what most of them end up in lol. I like history, but the only two periods I enjoy studying are the American Colonial period and English Tudor period so…couldn’t handle a history major :p</p>
<p>Computer Science - Does not understand why anyone would even want to major in history, literature, art, music, etc, since we all believe that Google is the only true place where anyone will be happy working.</p>
<p>Who is Walden Pond? And as for the “Art: People (mostly girls) with little actual academic talent” comment, actually most people in art are males, and art colleges look at your grades more than anything (gives you huge scholarships for having good ones, too). If you don’t have a 2.7-3.0 GPA or higher, no one’s going to want you unless you beg/your art is omnipotent.</p>
<p>Anyways, anyone going into nursing seems to be doing it because they aren’t good at anything else/their grades are terrible or they’re too poor/too scared to spend a bunch of years in school in order to become a doctor. But I don’t know if nursing really counts as a “major”. XD</p>
<p>^Walden Pond is the title of the book, not the author. It was written by Thoreau.</p>
<p>^I though it was just Walden…is it both? O-o</p>
<p>Most of these stereotypes are ones I wouldn’t think of…I don’t think the whole “Art- girls with little academic talent” one has any merit though. As far as I know, you have to have the grades and the talent to get into good art programs, and for the lesser programs (that don’t require extensive portfolio reviews), you still have to have the grades to get in. =P</p>
<p>Although “Math nerd” is like…the most fundamental academic stereotype there is. xD</p>
<p>EDIT: I second the “History majors love their subject” one. My APUSH teacher is more passionate about history than any other person I have ever met.</p>
<p>It is just Walden, but it’s about Walden Pond. </p>
<p>…The more you know.</p>
<p>Well, yeah. I knew that. xD I’m just picky… =P</p>
<p>“What does that even mean?”</p>
<p>Oh, craigslist is a site with a bunch of job listings… typically common generic jobs or oddjobs. I shoulda said yahoo though, in my area it tends to have more hotel / park jobs.</p>
<p>My stereotype about art majors not being “academically talented” was based on high schoolers, not those already in good art programs, and was obviously very anecdotal. Lots of girls I know claim to want to major in art, and that’s the thing… many of them don’t have the grades or don’t really care for school. And many of them are considered weird too. Just spend all their time obsessing over vampires, painting, and listening to emo music haha. and these girls don’t even hang out with each other! I swear it can’t be a coincidence :P</p>
<p>How about those Nursing majors being in there late 20’s?</p>
<p>or the Business majors being engineering dropouts? lol</p>
<p>“Anyways, anyone going into nursing seems to be doing it because they aren’t good at anything else/their grades are terrible or they’re too poor/too scared to spend a bunch of years in school in order to become a doctor. But I don’t know if nursing really counts as a “major”. XD”</p>
<p>Don’t Nursing majors/programs need to keep up really high GPAs, like 3.5 at some places? I don’t see how you can get away with being a terrible student while being a nurse.</p>
<p>looks like every major is claiming they need a high GPA. lol</p>
<p>The girls in my school (I go to a college-prep school, mind you) have some pretty poor grades and low GPAs, and they’ve been accepted into colleges’ nursing programs. I so based what I said off of what I’VE personally seen/heard.</p>
<p>So maybe they’re just applying to really mediocre places? I wouldn’t know.</p>