what struck you as most surprising/interesting/awesome when you first visited Yale?

<p>what struck you as most surprising/interesting/awesome when you first visited Yale?</p>

<p>How New Haven wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be…</p>

<p>But also just how gorgeous the whole campus is. It looks beautiful in pictures but actually being there and seeing/experiencing the whole atmosphere was amazing.</p>

<p>The libraries. Definitely.</p>

<p>library! i teared up, haha</p>

<p>THE LIBRARY WAS A CATHEDRAL. Let me repeat. THE LIBRARY WAS A CATHEDRAL. If you had to define “gangster,” I think that would be it.</p>

<p>The gorgeousness that is Berkley. omg.</p>

<p>I’ve never been east of Colorado… :(</p>

<p>Branford square… Why think about this now? I need to fall out of love with Yale before tomorrow.</p>

<p>Silliman College was incredible and the beauty of Old Campus at night…there just aren’t words</p>

<p>Wasn’t too fond of the construction going on though.</p>

<p>Every school I’ve been to has had construction of some sort going on. Construction is only temporary.</p>

<p>treble, ditto! Silliman was G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!!</p>

<p>The “cathedral to knowledge”. LOVED IT. Our tour guide was all “completely secular! no, really!”, and I got excited. At first I was a bit on-edge (Jewish, and all), but he quickly cleared up its presence for us, and it really was a gorgeous building.</p>

<p>haha. Do you want to be a salamander as well, joe?</p>

<p>how nice everyone was there…when they heard i was applying EA they were like OMG u’ll LOVE it here its amazing!!! i hope you get into my college!!!</p>

<p>Yes, that was indeed striking. I was almost expecting people to be more aloof and standoffish. Everyone was really welcoming and actually cared. My hostess wished me good luck today. I really don’t want to let her down.</p>

<p>the library! library!!!</p>

<p>Definitely the two underground particle accelerators!</p>

<p>The suites in Old Campus – which allowed for lots of mingling and socializing thru the fire doors – a lot different than the shoeboxes off of hallways of most college housing.</p>

<p>That and the friendliness of students who knew I had applied. “Best of luck to you. I hope you get in! It’s great here!” was the common refrain.</p>

<p>Hahaha, treble… I wouldn’t mind being a Sillimander… although I think Berkeley is still my first choice. :D</p>