What students should look for in selecting a college

Thought this was a very good article by a college Dean.


That’s a great article. I think the most important takeaway is that none of those criteria are factored into the rankings. They were the factors we used though in helping our son choose schools. Some of the very best at meeting those criteria, schools like Juniata, Beloit, and Evergreen aren’t on any CC posters’ radar because they are so blinded by rankings and “prestige.”


Beloit? It gets recommended all the time for kids who wonder "why isn’t there an East Coast LAC that isn’t on the East Coast (I’ve recommended it myself, both here and irl). Juniata? It’s a CC perpetual recommendation for kids who think they’ve exhausted the PA-MD corridor because they’ve looked at Haverford (a mega reach), UMD and Delaware (too big, or “too much like HS”, which of course is not true) and they don’t click with Franklin and Marshall for whatever reason…

Agree that Evergreen doesn’t get as much attention as it should!

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I should have phrased that better. Certainly they are on the radar of many of the regulars here. They aren’t though generally on the minds of new posters coming here for chancing and advice.

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Which is why we provide a public service!!!


We often recommend the Colleges that Change Lives website. Colleges That Change Lives – Changing Lives. One Student At A Time. (ctcl.org)

Evergreen, Juniata and Beloit are all on that list, along with many other great schools.

CTCL was originally a book by Loren Pope, still available. CTCL also has fairs around the country.


But shhhhhhhh, don’t tell anyway. I don’t want Juniata to raise tuition & get overcrowded. My son is doing really well there! He got Covid his 2nd(3rd?) week and a month later a huge medical diagnosis. Doesn’t sound like a great start but the school has been nothing but supportive. He’s met great friends, has great professors & having a good time overall . He’s one of those kids that is something wasn’t good, believe me, he’d be happy to tell it!