What T20 University Admissions Offices are known for caring more about grades and test scores and less about EC’s?

As a Guidance Counselor for 30 years I agree with Dlnetvaroha. We see it very often, both public and private. Top grade students not getting top schools. It’s often EC. As the top schools get more and more competitive, ECs matter even more. Does this mean every college will deny you? No. But when every student applying to Top Schools has a 4.1, awards, AP credits etc? ECs become big business. Often a tie breaker. And yes, effects FA. As we all know many things are “unwritten”. No college will tell you to your face that you were disqualified for certain things. But those who deal with this know the scoop. Transparency is not their forte.
I do NOT discourage anyone from applying. You absolutely can still get into great colleges. Every year is different as every applicant pool is different. You cannot know your competition. Do the best you can, that’s all you can do. I’ve seen kids I never thought would get into a certain school get accepted and vice versa.