We are 5 days from move in to Rowan and no housing assignment yet. WTF? Any insiders have any insight?
I’m not an insider. More of an observer. Alumnus in the '70s, both son & daughter graduated. Regular visitor as part of my job.
I don’t know, but I’m assuming that it’s got to do with the new freshman dorm. Looks like they are finishing construction and moving in furniture. Maybe they haven’t received CO yet. But it’s real close.
HoPoCo is (according to a student who visited campus Tuesday) furnished “with a lot of dudes wearing suits and carrying clipboards walking around”. Athletes move in (to where??) tomorrow. Still no word on freshman housing assignment.
i keep hoping this is a bad joke. its absolutely ridiculous how late this information is. Does anyone know if it was this bad last year?
Can’t believe they are actually saying “or next week”! I have communicated my frustration to housing, so unfair that students who don’t know their roommate will learn who they are days before moving in.
13h13 hours ago
Rowan University @RowanUniversity
@TheBestWellman Housing assignments will roll out either this week or next week. Please continue to check your Rowan email.
Room assignment came at 1:00 pm today, now see how long it takes to get move in time since HoPoCo move in is by scheduled time only.
We got HoPoCo notification today, and luckily my daughter moves in early, so no issues with that.
@CaseyQvQ it was not so last year when my foster son was a freshman there.
Kid moved in to HoPoCo. Not finished entirely (cafeteria still being put together, lots of areas still being painted and off limits). Very nice dorm, very high ceilings in the rooms, not huge but good size dorm rooms. Lots of bathrooms and laundry areas. No kitchen space to cook anything that I saw, no piano, but I’m old Should be interesting to see how it functions once the whole place is full
@NJRoadie. Happy everything went well and so far you like HoPoCo. Mine moves in Sunday morningsince we weren’t available for early move in. Looking forward to exploring. I asked back in April about kitchen facilities when I didn’t see any on plans, and was told there wouldn’t be any. Not concerned because my son wouldnt use although my daughters did when they were at their college.
Thanks again for your info on CC that helped us out. Best wishes for a great year to both of yours.
@Lehighmother - as you know the “bathroom situation” was a safety concern for me. The set up is great, makes total sense. Sinks are set up as a pass thru - so that is where you wash your hands, brush your teeth and move between sides of the Pod. Toilets are full stalls (no urinals) and showers are a separate area, with full door at each, go in, bench to change, shower curtain behind that and then the shower. Door locks from the inside. All the bathroom (toilet or shower) areas are split up either women/men/neutral. They all have what I call saloon doors to get into them (not full doors, but swinging saloon doors). May make for interesting noises in the toilet area LOL.
My DD is on 1st floor. The higher floors have nice views and cooler lounges. They are also connected all the way from the circular dorm to the high rise and cafeteria, so you could go to cafeteria without being in the weather if you needed to. Colors are very bright and modern - this is not a wood country style dorm Not my style but very funky and cool
Kidswill have own mailbox on site.
Only downside - it is FAR from the academic buildings, especially Business and Engineering. If he is eng major I’d recommend a bike! Of course all that walking/biking keep off the freshman 15
Best of luck to your son for a great year!
Son moved in today to HoPoCo. Very impressed with dorm and school in general. Very organized and volunteers did all the moving for us. Dorm is modern but also very industrial with concrete ceilings and grey tones. Rooms very spacious and has great furniture that can arranged in oh so many ways. I loved the dorm, so much thought went into it from rooms to lounge to even water fountains (they fill water bottles in an instant). Cafeteria is new and convenient ( even if the food still college food). And reasonably priced to eat in as guests. Anyone interested in Rowan should really consider it, campus is really getting impressive and so are the programs.
@Lehighmother How is your son making out? My daughter loves it, but is not thrilled with 17 firedrills in the first month at HoPoCo. She is very happy with the class sizes, professors and campus activities, so if they can just figure out the firedrill situation, we’ll be good.
@NJRoadie Thank you for asking. He seems to be doing ok, he is a bit of an introvert and and a home body so naturally I was concerned about the college transition. He only communicates with me when he has a question (how, why, where etc), so with him no news is always good news. That being said I know he made the right choice, it is the perfect college for him. He has friends who already are helping each other with classes and he gets around campus easily. Today he had to find tech center to get his computer fixed and it went well.
I asked him about the fire drills and he said there is a problem with the system that’s causing them to go off. My son’s extremely laid back so he hadn’t complained about it.
I’m happy your daughter is happy with everything else. Did you visit during family weekend? We took our daughters to see him and the campus and they couldn’t believe how nice the dorm was. The whole atmosphere inside and outside the dorm is wonderful, with kids everywhere.
@Lehighmother - We actually went the weekend before We took her to Atlantic City to go out to eat at Carmines (Italian NYC style
I figured we could sit and talk or we could ride and talk and have a great meal, which she really wanted
She is in D Pod and had some issues for a few weeks with it being freezing cold all the time, but they seem to have adjusted the HVAC system. My Mom went to visit her last Friday and loved the dorm too. She and my daughter went to get halloween decorations LOL. She is all excited about registering for classes - I think my kid needs to go into planning, she loves that so much.
Sounds like your son is making friends and they are all settling in well