What the hell happened to the dartmouth board...where's the spirit?

<p>Hey Bird,</p>

<p>Of course we miss you. Will you be drinking coffee with me in Washington Square or are you going someplace else?</p>

<p>Hello To All The People Who Dropped In For A Day!</p>

<p>Hey, we have ALL SUMMER to talk about random stuff. Dartmouth people are the coolest, and no matter where we are next year we shall always remember our brother/sisterhood.</p>

<p>heeee, CC reunion! Feels like "the old days". For my latest Dartmouth Accept-Me-Off-the-Waitlist letter I actually wrote a retarded little PLAY. if you're looking for some amusement, I'll be glad to send it, lol.</p>

<p>oh and also, can i please say, I LOVED that thing that someone said on the Cal/Berkeley thread that the D board was so tight and supportive...getting the credit we deserve, y'all!</p>

<p>(I'm still a white Russian Jewish girl from New Jersey even though I just said y'all)</p>

<p>hey...how many of you old cats are going to dimensions.....we MUST meet up somehow!!!</p>

<p>As for the others...we'll have some sorta reunion (in chicago) in a couple years. lol</p>

<p>why Chicago? b/c it's in between cali and ny?</p>

<p>i'm a selfish goober...its 30 min from here</p>

<p>Dylan from Dundee seconds the motion to hold it in Chicago.</p>

<p>I'm going to Dimensions--it will be fun to get together with you guys!!</p>

<p>sybbie-- 90% GWU? We'll see. I just got my waitlist letter response back from Colgate, and I'm a little weirded out: is it true that if they accept me off the WL, I <em>have</em> to go to Colgate? Because that seems unfair!</p>

<p>I'm going to Dimensions! We'll have to find some way to meet up, y'all.</p>

<p>(And y'all just rolls off my lips, too, Blu - although at least I'm from the Midwest so it's somewhat more plausible than you/Jersey!)</p>


<p>You are chosing to accept a place on the wait list. If you get a place off of the waitlist at Colgate, you are not obligated to attend.</p>

<p>unless they have some sort of priority waitlist like carnegie mellon. if you choose to be put in that, then you ARE obligated to go. not sure if colgate has that, tho (it would have been very clear about it and they woulda had a separate reply postcard for it)</p>

<p>lol i've said much worse, though. one time someone said something about me being white as hell and i was like "Damn it feels good to be a gangsta" in the whitest way possible.</p>

<p>also, in florida, we were at this Mystery Dinner Theater thing - about 180 were our party, and then ONE family of 8. They all got incredibly drunk and started yelling out random encouragements...so eventually we just started mocking them, and I even let out a few "YEE-HAWS!" to make fun of them lol</p>

<p>okay, thanks sybbie and taurus. I'll call them and make sure it's not an obligatory thing.</p>