What the? M and CR portions received, but not W?

<p>I called Pton admission office and they said thye received the M and CR portions of the SAT 1 but not the W. How is this possible? And how are my two SAT II test scores are missing while the other SAT II was received. I'm doomed !! Ugh!!! I faxed in everything I had. I really hope it makes it in time T_T</p>

<p>*** lol? I thought they sent the whole report on one sheet of paper? That would be retarded for them to send them one by one, unless they send the essay to Princeton as well... That's odd</p>

<p>uhh okay? I have no idea what's going on with that.
That's really stupid though.....</p>

<p>dont worry collegeboard f ed up my reports too...</p>


<p>why is collegeboard so bad:(</p>

<p>If Princeton rejects me because of that, I'm suing Collegeboard. It's time the people rage against the machine!!</p>

<p>I will join you in that lawsuit!!!!</p>

<p>you have every legal right to sue collegeboard. they're dealing with people's futures, and they shouldnt be ****ing up like that...</p>

<p>look at last year... and they messed up with sending my octobre scores too so I paid the freakin bucks to send a rush report...</p>

<p>I only hope u won't be unlucky like that anymore!</p>

<p>oh my god! Collegboard messed up my scores too! I ordered them rush to Princeton MONTHS ago but I was nervous about it so I called and they told me they had no record of my order. I got lucky though because when I called Princeton to explain they told me that they had all of my scores! So now i'm hoping that Collegboard didn't send someone else's scores to Princeton as mine! Ah I don't even know! It seems like they are sooo disorganized!</p>

<p>college board....... tisk tisk tisk...</p>

<p>omg, this is starting to freak me out.</p>

<p>I put my April SAT I on the application (which were really bad), and had to send the October SAT (which I did really good) after the application was submitted. I remember reading somewhere on collegeboard.com saying that all October and November SATs would be "rushed" via 2-day delivery to the 4 colleges you specified on the admission ticket. </p>

<p>I never called Princeton, thinking I'd be bothering them and that collegeboard would send them. I also recall an area on the Princecton application, where you could check future SAT test dates, so if they didn't receive them, they'd contact me? Did I make a mistake of not double checking with Princeton, or am I just being too paranoid?</p>

<p>I faxed in my scores yesterday. I got my GC to call them this morning and they have received everything and were making the decision that very moment... I also emailed Princeton and they said my self reported score would be considered along with my application. So all is well, unless something else came up.</p>

<p>Diehldun, go ahead and call Princeton. The lady I talked to was very nice, competent and supportive. If you are indeed missing something, there is still time to make it up. This is something you don't want to risk.</p>


<p>were u freaked out?</p>

<p>On the college board website, it says that my score reports were sent. And when I called College Board up, they confirmed that.</p>

<p>Should I have called Princeton as well?</p>

<p>I wondering this too</p>