What time do you get up?

<p>I was wondering about sleep in college. Some of my friends have said I'm "screwed" because I usually go to sleep relatively early on school nights (usually around 9ish sometimes later though) and that most people stay up till at least 11 in High School and it will be worse in college. I NEED to get 8 hours of sleep and prefer over 9, and 10 on the weekends. So with all that, I feel I could stay up later if all my classes are later, which I believe they will be compared to high school to some degree. My question is what time do you wake up normally/what time is your first class/and is it possible to get a lot of sleep in college?</p>

<p>Yeah, what time you go to sleep and when you wake up really depends on where you live. My roommate and I both had classes early (9 and 10am) and so we usually went to bed around 1ish. Usually when we go to bed, while not completely quiet, our dorm is usually quiet enough to go to sleep. Of course on the weekends, we don’t go to bed till 3 or 4am.</p>

<p>If you’re really worried about sleep, just make sure to emphasize this on your dorm roommate compatability questions. Usually schools will do a decent job of matching you up with another kid that also goes to bed early.</p>

<p>If you’re truly needing 10 hrs just to function, you may want to get checked for a sleep disorder; however, 8-9 hrs is actually about right for a HS student (in terms of biological needs, that is). College will likely adjust your sleep schedule just b/c of the nature of life there. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You’ll adjust.</p>

<p>I don’t think I have a sleep disorder lol, but I just like a lot of sleep. I don’t need 10, I was saying I need 8 to function. I just like to get 10 when I can afford it (on weekends)</p>

<p>I really like a lot of sleep too… last semester I had an 8:30, so I’d usually go to bed around midnight an wake up at 8 on those days, but make up for it by sleeping until 11ish on tuesdays, thursdays, and the weekends. next semester my earliest class is at 11:30, so I’ll probably sleep from 1 or 2ish until 11. getting a lot of sleep in college really shouldn’t be a problem if you manage your time well, but try to be flexible about things like going to bed early so you don’t miss out on too much.</p>

<p>Depends on your schedule. Last semester I was getting up MWF at 10 and TR at 8, and most nights going to sleep 12ish (weekend’s a different story, but you can sleep however much you want then…). However this semester I’m getting up at 10:30ish every day and probably going to sleep the previous time.</p>

<p>It depends on your schedule…last semester I had an 8am class on Mondays and Wednesdays, plus practice at 8:30 so I was getting up at 7:30am on those days, Tuesday my first class was at 10 so I got up at 9:30 and Fridays my first was at 9:30 so I got up at nine. I usually went to bed around midnight/one o’clockish. This semester my earliest class is at 11:30…I’ll have to get up early one morning for practice, but most of the time I’m planning on getting up around 11, which sounds amazing after this semester. I’ll probably go to bed closer to twoish since I can actually sleep in.</p>

<p>I’ve never gone to bed earlier than 11 in college, but I am a night person so I would prefer to sleep during the day and be awake at night lol. If I have early classes I usually go to bed at the same time as if I didn’t, and then just nap during the day. I do prefer to get 8-9 hours of sleep however, and I usually get it on weekends and when I don’t have early classes (like if my classes are at 10 or 11, and I go to bed around 1 or 2).</p>

<p>i used to go to sleep around 10 in high school cuz i had to wake up at like 6
now that im in college its normal to stay up to like 1 or 2…you’ll get used to it</p>

<p>I know a few people who get enough sleep (about 7-8 hours). They go to bed around 10 every night. I think the only reason this works for them though is that they’re EXTREMELY good at time-management. They don’t waste time relaxing or whatever during the day.</p>

<p>I go to sleep anywhere from 12-2am (sometimes later, if I’m working on a paper or something) and wake up at 6:30 on Tuesdays/Thursdays and 7:30 on MWF. Or, at least, that’s what I did this past semester. It’ll be a bit different next semester, but I pretty much averaged 5-6 hours of sleep a night, and there were several weeks where I was having trouble sleeping so only got around 4 hours a night.</p>

<p>Honestly, I think it’s pretty much part of college to be sleep-deprived all the time.</p>

<p>I go to bed between 11 PM and 4 AM. I wake up between 8 AM and 12 noon. On vacations, I wake up between 11 AM and 3 PM.</p>

<p>I get about 7 hous of sleep. I go to sleep at around 1:30 and then wake up at around 8:30 to get ready and eat for my first class at 10 AM.</p>

<p>In undergrad I would get up between 10 and 11 AM…unless I had an early lab. It depends on your schedule of course. I always avoided early lectures, but not always the labs. I usually got 6-7 hours of sleep, but I was a procrastinator when it came to sleep.</p>

<p>apumic, research shows teenagers need more sleep than they usually get</p>

<p>[Why</a> Teens Need More Sleep](<a href=“http://www.parent-teen.com/yourbody/sleep.html]Why”>parent-teen - parent-teen)</p>

<p>At school and at home I get around 9 or 10, I def need at least 8 hours of actual sleep, so I give myself 9/10 to sleep b/c my roommate wakes me up most nights, is load and snores, and 3 days she has classes before me so she wakes me up during her 1 hour to get ready for classes routine.
It depends on how load the dorm/room is, as in finals week its very quite, easy weeks its very load, etc;.</p>

<p>I go to sleep between 1-2 am and wake up around 7 am for my 8 o’clock class, or I wake up at 9 for my 10 o’clock class. The trick is coffee.</p>

<p>During weeknights I go to bed around 3-4am and wake up at 7am for my 8am classes. I take a few naps throughout the day though
During weekends I go to bed around 4am-6am and wake up around noon.</p>

<p>My roommate really doesn’t sleep either, so that doesn’t help anything :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>It is definitely possible to go to bed early (I have a couple friends that do), like go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 7-8am (or go to bed at 12-1am and just have late-morning classes that don’t start until 10am or 11am). With my friends though, you’re missing out on a lot if you go to bed early. Hang out with people who sleep and you’ll get more sleep. Hang out with people who don’t really sleep and you’ll end up with similar non-sleeping habits</p>

<p>I usually wake up around 7AM and go to sleep around 3AM. Im pretty consistent day to day since ive been around 13. Sleep is for people who dont enjoy life enough. I hate sleeping.</p>

<p>I’m a night owl (hw/friends/ everything is better later.) Last semester I’d go to bed between 12am (when the roomie turned off the lights) till 4am on normal nights or 5/6am on study nights. I had to wake up between 8am and 9am/10am on Monday/Weds (I skipped friday) and like 11am Tues/Thurs. I like sleeping and sleeping in, I just don’t like giving up the hours by calling it a night</p>

<p>This semester I planned my classes appropriately. Nothing in the AM and nothing on friday. Woot.</p>

<p>Tries to sleep before 11. Generally, I wake up 8-9.</p>