<p>A lot of my friends brag about how their earliest class is at 11:00 some days. Im going to CIT; will this ever happen for me? :)</p>
<p>Everytime I ask this question people chastise me for being lazy! :)</p>
<p>A lot of my friends brag about how their earliest class is at 11:00 some days. Im going to CIT; will this ever happen for me? :)</p>
<p>Everytime I ask this question people chastise me for being lazy! :)</p>
<p>Some frosh classes:</p>
<p>Ma 1 - 10 AM
Ph 1, Ch 1, Bi 1 - 11 AM
CS 1, CS 2, Ay 1, Ge 1 - 2 PM
Ch 3a - 8 AM if you have a morning section
Hums will generally be at 1 PM, 2 PM, 7 PM, or 9 AM</p>
<p>You can generally avoid having any classes before 11 AM, except for math.</p>
<p>Sometimes you don't even have class: one term I was able to construct my schedule such that I had no classes on Friday. I know a guy who has 4-day weekends every week this term.</p>
<p>I am going to love Caltech. Yeah, tons of work, but I'll still love it :)</p>
<p>My first class on Tuesdays is at 12:30.</p>
<p>That doesn't mean I don't wake up ten minutes before.</p>