What time does orientation end?

<p>I'm a transfer student and my orientation date is Session 202 - July 22nd (Next Tuesday). I'm coming from the bay area and I was hoping to return back home on a bus that leaves @ 11:30 pm, the day of orientation. I have a cousin who can give me a ride to the station - Union Station's Patsaouras Transit Plaza. I've heard that it ends around a variety of different times, from 9 to 11 pm. Is this too risky? Is it possible to finish orientation asap?</p>

<p>I think it is okay to say you want to leave early, just make sure you get your classes enrolled.</p>

<p>It says 7:30 am to 9 pm on the website, sheets, and from all the people I have talked to.</p>

<p>Also, FYI it’s Tuesday the 23rd not Monday the 22nd. (I’m going to the same one)</p>