What time is the early action app due?

I was under the impression it was due at 11:59pm December 1st, since most apps are due at 11:59pm on their date. however I just got an email saying to submit my app “by midnight December 1st”, and now I’m worried that means it’s due tonight!!! can anyone confirm when it’s due? I called the undergraduate admissions office at 5:30 but unfortunately it closed at 5pm.

You have until 11:59 on 12/1, but don’t wait until the last minute in case there are server issues.

On the website I see, “Applying for Early Action
An Early Action plan is available to all freshman applicants. Those interested in the Early Action plan must check that option on the application form and submit the application for admission on or before December 1. All required credentials must be submitted by December 7. Early Action applicants are notified of their admission status by February 22 and a matriculation deposit must be paid by May 1.” ON OR BEFORE. So I would expect they mean by 11:59p ON December 1. https://vt.edu/admissions/undergraduate/apply/policies.html GL!

December 1 is the day. Submit by the end of December 1.

thank you everyone!