What time to arrive for freshman residence check-in

<p>DD going to UD as a freshman this year and will be living in Christiana Towers, West. Check-in begins at 8am Saturday. Can anyone share what that first day is like logistically? Does a crowd form earlier than 8am, and what time? Looking at the room layout, we'd like her to get the bed with more clearance for the shelf organizers we're bringing. My thinking is we should plan to be one of the first to arrive at about 7am. Any thoughts? Also, where does the line form? Thanks.</p>

<p>There will be signs directing you where to go. I don't know about Christiana specifically, but the AST folks will be there to quickly unload your car and have you move it to a designated parking area. Leave your kid with her stuff and the AST folks will move it to her room. It's crucial that you have EVERYTHING labeled with a piece of tape with her name and room number, i.e. "SMITH 510", because sometimes things get a little crazy. They will have tape there but you really should have it done before you load up the car. Because they unload you so quickly, and they want you out of the fire lanes, there aren't long lines. I can't see the point of getting there at 7am unless you expect a fight if the room mate grabs the bed first.</p>