<p>I'm not sure if this is the right section for this, but I'm going to start at the beginning. </p>
<p>So, I am a senior in high school, and all four years there has been a student who has cheated. And I mean a lot. He cheated his way to top in the class and has a 100 in nearly every class. The teachers are simply blind to it. I have to give some examples.</p>
<p>Last year in English my teacher administered a mock AP test on a Saturday morning. A few students were taking the SAT though, so they were allowed to take it home. He was one of them, and sure enough the next Monday my teacher goes, "___ is a genius! He got all of the multiple choice right!" She didn't believe any of us when we told her that since he took it home he found all of the answers online. She said that was impossible, but as I'm sure many of you other AP students are aware, nearly every AP problem is online.</p>
<p>Which brings me to my junior year AP history class. The tests consisted of many AP multiple choice and an essay or two. Every time we took a test, this student would sit with his phone under the desk, and he'd get a 100 on every test. Finally, when it came to the midterm, the entire class had had enough. We all went and told the teacher, who said he'd look into it, but the cheating continued for the rest of the year.</p>
<p>Those are just two examples, but I think that sums it up. That brings us to the present. I've always taken for granted, and perhaps I've been naive, but I've always assumed that he never cheated in calc because I am positive that our teacher would never accept it the way the others do. Plus how would you even cheat in calc (besides the few problems we used to get that were from AP exams)? This year our class is a dual enrollment course. Today I found out that he cheated on the test we had last week. I have no idea how he did so, but I heard from students that sit near him that he was cheating.</p>
<p>For years my friends and I have told ourselves that karma will get him when he either gets caught or fails in college. However, is this the time I should once again and try to alert a teacher? I am mostly concerned because he is getting both high school and college credits for this course.</p>
<p>I have been debating whether to go with my friend who also heard this and tell the teacher after class tomorrow or to type an anonymous letter to leave in the teacher's mailbox?</p>
<p>I feel like we don't have enough evidence, but possibly if it was in person we would be able to mention how we told other teachers to no avail.</p>
<p>Are there any other points I should mention or should I not even tell at all?</p>
<p>Thank you, sorry this is so long.</p>