What to do after DH?

<p>I've learned all the RR, PR Hit Parade, and DH books vocab but I still see words on the SAT that I've never seen before and get stuff wrong. </p>

<p>What do I study now?</p>

<p>I was thinking about trying to learn roots and that stuff, anyone ever done this before and think it was helpful? </p>

<p>I know I'll try my hardest to do better on passages since they're more in my control but what else can I do for SC questions?</p>

<p>(On June SAT I ended up getting 3 SC wrong b/c of the hard vocab..)</p>

<p>thanks for any help</p>

<p>June vocab was pretty hard, but are you sure you KNOW all that vocab? maybe re read? if u rly do need another source go to somethign like quizlet or flashcardexchange and type in SAT vocab and u will find barron/kaplan/etc. words.</p>

<p>You will never know every single word in the SAT.
There are some words that come once and never appear again.</p>

<p>^ so should I just focus on passages when I study?</p>

<p>and yeah, i knew all of it.</p>

<p>I think you enough vocab words but if you want to increase your vocabulary, you can learn the “1000 Common SAT words” or learn the hard words you find in the practice tests.</p>

<p>If you think you have enough vocab, you can focus on the passages and get more familiar with the types of the questions.</p>

<p>There are tons of lists out there. If you’re looking to kill some time, Barron’s has a huge mini-dictionary. You can also flip through Sparknotes. Direct Hits should be enough though.</p>

<p>Yes, Barron’s 3500 words are very good if you have time. they will help a lot.</p>