<p>Im a Freshman at TCU and declared an Economics major and wondering what would benefit me more. Should I double Major in Econ and Finance. Or should Major in Econ and Minor in Finance but also put heavy emphasis on Mathematics?
Which path would benefit me for graduate school and help prepare me to try to get into a highly ranked graduate program</p>
<p>Definitely an MBA. Go to payscale.com’s research section and click on “degrees/major subject”, browse by letter and then compare the salaries and job titles of those with the MBA and those with an MS. It’s not even close. I would definitely look into operations or MIS if I were you and make sure to learn SQL, SAS, MS office, Visual Basic and anything else you can.</p>
<p>Put a heavy emphasis on mathematics, statistics, and computer courses. The job market is oversaturated with finance majors and you need to differentiate yourself.</p>
<p>Good deal on the undergraduate part but as for the graduate portion, What some people are telling me that an mba is not very deep in subject matter since after all it is a business administration degree. I really want to get a good grasp on the Financial markets and want to learn Technical analysis as well as Fundamental Finance
Do you think an MBA’s curriculum, for the direction i am taking, is goin to provide me with enough knowledge for that?(obviously i know an MS isnt goin to be a golden key to be to the stock market either)</p>
<p>CFA is your answer.</p>
<p>Econ, you should look into an MBA with a finance concentration. Go to different school’s websites and compare the courses involved in each program and decide which one suits you best. The MBA has a lot more street cred than a regular Master’s though, so you need to keep that in mind.</p>
<p>Let me add on to the last post, a Top MBA.</p>